- Earn $40 / 1000 downloads! All countries paid! (Official Thread)

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Filejungle must pay money for him!

We work as a team and to some extent, lumzechai is the leader. I appreciate and love what Filejungle have done, but if lumzechai is forced to quit FJ, we'll have no other choice but to leave too because the relation between us is mutual profit. We don't want this to happen.

A good teamwork of uploader is not welcome here in FJ, is it? This kind of joint-work is not new in Paid to Upload since many other hosts accept it as a part of the game. I hope you, Greg, reconsider this case and give him what he deserves. To condemn him as a cheater is just not right. He's been investing much effort so far. No one can earn money and trust from his partners without doing anything valuable to them. If you knew how hard he works each day, you wouldn't judge him that unfairly.

I'm a new ref of lumzechai ''truongpro''
That's shame

FJ, That's shame. Your behaviour is not accepted. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Please fair play and pay for lumzechai .
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FJ, That's shame. Your behaviour is not accepted. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm: :facepalm::facepalm:

Please fair play and pay for lumzechai .

^^! B-)B-)B-)B-)B-)B-)B-)B-)B-)B-)B-)
Greg, reply my PM and help me please!!
I didn't cheat!!!!
Don't disable me..
PLS give me back my account and money.....
How can I prove myself?

I did send e-mail to support but they reply me
Nothing much we can do for your account, you may try opening a new one though.
I do need your help!!

FJ do have right to disable me but please, give me a reasonable reason and don't just leave "Cheating with our payment plan" without any detail.
I don't know how I cheated and what is your point that you think I cheated.....
And the fact is I didn't cheat..

Say again, all I have done with filejungle is putting a premium sale banner on my site during the promotion period and asking for people who want a premium account on it.

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Please be patient and use proper words, mates. And please do not do st like threatening. Greg has the right to investigate frauds. Don't let others see our group as a gang of gangsters. We are diligent uploaders.
FJ must fair play in your bussiness

Dear admin of FileJungle,

lumzechai has a big PTU team, he plays an important role in the team, and I also a ref of him (4-5 filehost, FileJungle also). I know he is the talent coder, hard-working person... He supports his refs well.Maybe, he do not upload/download, because this job is done by his ref. He does important job is support his refs about hosting, VPS... so that his can earn mush money. This is the two-direction benifit.

If FJ want to ne a well-known filehost, FJ must be fair in the payment, specially paying for lumzechai.
Dear admin of FileJungle
I am member of this group. Lumzechai was help me very much, now I can earn more 100$/day. I want to thank Lumzechai. Pl pay for him. Thanks

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FJ must fair play in your bussiness
Dear admin of FileJungle,

lumzechai has a big PTU team, he plays an important role in the team, and I also a ref of him (4-5 filehost, FileJungle also). I know he is the talent coder, hard-working person... He supports his refs well.Maybe, he do not upload/download, because this job is done by his ref. He does important job is support his refs about hosting, VPS... so that his can earn mush money. This is the two-direction benifit.

If FJ want to ne a well-known filehost, FJ must be fair in the payment, specially paying for lumzechai.

the ref does not get us into lumzechai vps, hotings ... to make money from FJ
I love Filejungle. I just start to use your service.
I want to have more referrer account like lumzecha.
And I want to show your banner to my sites.

Why FJ don't pay money for him.
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