- Earn $40 / 1000 downloads! All countries paid! (Official Thread)

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RU from Wupload is not working at all :( 100% failed. Please take a look at that problem Greg. Thanks.

I have said this many times and most users know it by now. Wupload/filesonic have blocked our remote servers and this results in failed uploads. There is nothing we can do to fix it, this issue can only be resolved by them.

Can you put Japan into Group B? I see mostly other hosts ,Japan is in Group B

We will be looking into this in the future but it won't be happening just yet. I am losing track with how many people have asked me to move Japan, maybe it will turn out to be a good idea :)

pls add remote upload..
no remote upload is working for me..

We will be adding new hosts. I cannot say exactly when as it does take time to add new hosts to the remote upload feature. I have noted down the hosts people have requested so we will see which of these are most suitable when it comes to adding additional hosts.

plz add premium only feature in file manager

Are you asking us to add an option which only allows premium members to download your files? Could you be a bit more clearer so I can understand your request mate :) Thanks.
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Are you a good turkey is possible, Gred hello b group.
I am from Turkey .. I have many webmaster site promotion. :)

Yes it is... And Japan should be in group B like many other hosts :)

Changes won't be happening yet, not quite sure how many times I need to say this :) Japan/France/Turkey/Belgium have all be mentioned and I have noted this down. So when we do decide on changing countries categories they will all be considered.

Please check p.m

Hi, replied and done!
madalinutzu - Not quite sure how many times I can repeat this. Wupload/filesonic have blocked our remote servers. This causes RU from their servers to pend/fail etc. There is nothing we can do to correct this, only they can resolve this problem. So if a transfer from WU fails/pends or goes slow this is not an issue that we can help.


i think That's enough mr greg . 3 days ago and not recieve my money ..
the site is in first week should solve payment problems first :)
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