- Earn $40 / 1000 downloads! All countries paid! (Official Thread)

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The reason why I use zoom uploader is that FileJungle's FTP system doesn't allow UTF-8 filenames.
All files with UTF-8 filenames will be dropped by their FTP system without any notices.
I cannot understand why the file manager can show UTF-8 filenames properly, web uploader can upload UTF-8 filenames properly, but FTP cannot.
This drawback made me pay a lot of money to zoom's author in order to enable FileJungle (because I have already been a premium of FileJungle) and larger daily traffic.

Great! Nice proof
heniken - If you want proof just ask many of the honest hard working members of this thread and you will see that we always pay on time every week without fail.

hi, Greg, can u help me extend my account to premium account please? I will work hard to earn as much as possible, thanks^^

account name : jianhao1203
Dear FileJungle-Greg,
recently my FJ account was suddenly disabled (I cannot login anymore on FJ website) while I was waiting for my first two payments. I've asked the support staff and they replied this:

Your account broke rules which are stated in our Terms & Conditions, this is why your account has been disabled. Sorry but there is nothing we can do.
I've also tried to contact you via PM, without reply.
Now, I'm asking this publicly: which rules have I broken? The very same files are hosted on FSe and FSo without any problem (fully encrypted RAR archives with alphanumeric filenames) and many users (mainly from Italy) download my files every day.
Greg, please bring my FJ account back, I think this is not a nice behaviour from a serious company like yours.
My best wishes for the new year to everyone on WJ!

Best regards!

I Don't get this

what do you mean by 7 and 30 days. 37 days or 7 or 30 days... don't get it.


- domain sales added automatically exact 30days to your payable account

- any other sales PPS added automatically to payable after 1 week (7days if u are pps affiliate)

all above for theft, security and c.card fraud purposes

hope this helps & happy new year :)
Dear FileJungle-Greg,
recently my FJ account was suddenly disabled (I cannot login anymore on FJ website) while I was waiting for my first two payments. I've asked the support staff and they replied this:

I've also tried to contact you via PM, without reply.
Now, I'm asking this publicly: which rules have I broken? The very same files are hosted on FSe and FSo without any problem (fully encrypted RAR archives with alphanumeric filenames) and many users (mainly from Italy) download my files every day.
Greg, please bring my FJ account back, I think this is not a nice behaviour from a serious company like yours.
My best wishes for the new year to everyone on WJ!

Best regards!


Do not get the return, you're just another who swindled more peaceful.
You can create another account and wait for you to cheat again xD.
I've been calling and e achieved only give me to understand clearly that they erased account when they want and leave the active files that generate profits for their coffers as well as posts by Greg show.

If this topic was not previously closed uploadstation is to say that money can buy people.
Do not get the return, you're just another who swindled more peaceful.
You can create another account and wait for you to cheat again xD.
I've been calling and e achieved only give me to understand clearly that they erased account when they want and leave the active files that generate profits for their coffers as well as posts by Greg show.

If this topic was not previously closed uploadstation is to say that money can buy people.

I'm wordless at this point, can't figure out why FJ is doing this...
Anyway, I'll wait for a reply from FJ Greg, then will decide to remove or not any FJ links from my forums ... We speak of hundreds of links, generating traffic everyday: i had around 3.5 USD/day from FJ, never cashed out a cent!!!

Please Greg, help me somehow! :sun:

Best regards!

Pay me my $66 at least and proceed to empty my files properly!
I had a pending payout request of $80+

My account was disabled a day before the payment, as your account mine have all the files active after weeks.

That's not honest IMO, if they decide to disable accounts that's their desition, but if they leave all the files active of the accounts that they say that are violating their Terms and Conditions that is "scum" <- can't say this with an "a" for some unknown reason some mod(s) don't want.

Back on topic: Greg i'm feeling ignored again like in the begining when i came here to ask nicely for support in private messages.

Please check again my ticket, and if possible reply and continue with the communication by email.

Thanx in advance Greg.
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I had a pending payout request of $80+

My account was disabled a day before the payment, as your account mine have all the files active after weeks.

Thant's not honest IMO, if they decide to disable accounts that's their desition, but if they leave all the files active of the accounts that they say that are violating their Terms and Conditions that is "scum" <- can't say this with an "a" for some unknown reason some mod(s) don't want.

Back on topic: Greg i'm feeling ignored again like in the begining when i came here to ask nicely for support in private messages.

Please check again my ticket, and if possible reply and continue with the communication by email.

Thanx in advance Greg.

Yes bulletupload, cancell my afilliate program, for your reasons, but, they pay me all and delete my files, that is a profesional procedures!!
but almost I receive a response from the suport and are reviewing my account, hopefully have a happy ending...

If not, banned filejungle on my site, and delete all the containers published in other forums, so my files continue online but no one can download :D

PD: Good luck with your case!!
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