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Dear Wjunction users,

We are glad to introduce you, secure and fully encrypted service. We would like to invite you to become an affiliate. Our service has been established for years as stable, reliable and punctual. We offer a host of sophisticated tools and solutions to make your work experience as seamless and enjoyable as possible!

Affiliate Plans:
- Pay Per Sale. Default rates are 65% from sales, 50% from rebills.
- Pay Per Download. Rate is dynamic with daily update and depends on your sales. Minimum is $5 per 1000 downloads, maximum has no limits. We count all countries and all downloads.
- Up to 15% additional commission for website owners.

Our Features:
- Individual approach to every affiliate, custom rates, special terms, just ask our support and get quick response.
- Free Premium Account. Unlimited Storage Space.
- Blazing Fast Upload Speed, great Download speed.
- Several upload methods - FTP, Webupload, Remote Upload with extra features.
- Referral Program. Earn 3% from all affiliates you reffer.
- We pay on time, every week - 100% guaranteed!

Rules & Conditions:
- You can switch your affiliate plan once every 14 days.
- File storage period is unlimited, 90 days after the last download.
- Your must honor our rules, terms of service.

- We pay weekly, on Mondays.
- Minimum payout is $100.
- We pay via Webmoney, Bitcoin. Wire Transfer and other payment methods from $1000.

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You can get 2 payments in 1 week there? and you can have only 2 weeks hold on RG or is the hold longer ?

Fiejoker pays twice on webmoney every week? Rg pays me on Paypal, waiting time is not an issue for me. Rg is more stable and popular. It offers a standard package to premium buyers. Filljoker is extremely greedy and conservative when it comes to premium buyers. Also the extra Fee is a burden for buyers.
@pinkdo99, we process BTC payouts as soon as possible each time.

@puppeteer34, please note that rebills are possible only for card sales, so real rebills rate is much higher in fact.

@sam50, if you complain in public, so post screenshot with your result and let's discuss it in public.
Absolute garbage host... Tons of Reseller sales happening which are of 4.20$. This indicates what kind of pathetic payment gateway they have.. And the greedy Admin is always unhappy
Top tier host.

Not many hosts offer the same individual approach.

For years filehosts been keeping reseller sales to themselves but here we have a host that shows reseller sales in stats and pays the webmasters 30% of reseller hosts, which they could have just kept to themselves.

Luckily reseller sales are only small percantage of total sales and rebills and renewals are better than any other host out there.
Absolute garbage host... Tons of Reseller sales happening which are of 4.20$. This indicates what kind of pathetic payment gateway they have.. And the greedy Admin is always unhappy

Why do you use Filejoker just curious ? Share with us your stats and let us judge your sales/downloads. I just got my 9th sale for today 8 Normal sales and 1 Reseller.

Last month filefox - average every month - contents are different no mirror

Last month Filejoker - average every month - contents are different no mirror

This month I got 11 rebill from filefox, from filejoker I sell dozens of premium every month I got 8 rebill this month. This is ridiculous.
@Denice12, @burimi007, thank you for the feedback!

@puppeteer34, rebills might be different from month to month, besides we have a lot of different payment methods. And I think that $900 monthly is a good result. By the way, don't forget to tell your users about our VIP premium with online video player to get bigger sales and more money!

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