- Daily payment PPD up to $5/1000 downloads, no limit speed, support WMZ

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For the remaining payment request in Fileinz, we will payout within 7 days, no need to worry about that.
For the program, we are still trying to solve the problem or settle a good profit way for uploaders. And we don't want to reopen it to a weak module, and then causing other issues, that is not good for you guys.
Once it's good to go, we will let you guys know.

lol check this out guys,

Voowl - The best data storage solution.

Old fileinz inside, new name outside :rofl:

Please mods, close this thread. SCAM SCAM SCAM

Obviously, old log-ins never work, etc.

Why Scam? i thought he paid everybody.

Added after 9 minutes:

You are right! is the same site! i was able to login with my Fileinz passwords using recovery, LOL!
but, if he paid everybody am reluctant to call him a Scammer.
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Did he pay? Umm... I may be wrong but weren't all the monies frozen because of Google Adsense?

I'm apologizing in advance in case I misremember.

Glad to know login credentials work (full disclosure: I did not really try.)
Still, I don't see many people taking the same bait twice...
not scam, he just starting from begining
i support that host

@alexwarrior don't make new thread just continue this thread

thanks alexwarrior for using my advice
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lol check this out guys,

Voowl - The best data storage solution.

Old fileinz inside, new name outside :rofl:

Please mods, close this thread. SCAM SCAM SCAM

Obviously, old log-ins never work, etc.
my old log-in works fine & I even uploaded a file to the site yesterday, all the Fileinz links in my threads still work, they just get re-directed to the Voowl ones.

It would be good to hear from Alex about what is going on though
Lol, a host with main income from Google Adsense (And he confirms it proudly), server4you dedicated servers for network (Dirty cheap), XFS script with pre-made template and LOT of bugs, i can resume all this in one word: UNPROFESSIONAL.

Good luck boys, this host will be down in less than 6 months (With this business pattern)

As I said, they will close soon :facepalm: like Anysend, UploadSat
I think host owner may be UploadSat, FilesFrog who got banned here

As we said, they close even earlier than 6 months i expected :))

Enjoy SCAM & analyze programs better before waste your time.
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