- PPD & PPS. No Download Delays, Decent Speeds & Huge Storage!

Not open for further replies. has been down for some time but please be assured, our service has not died!
we have encountered some major problems however we will be back online over the coming days.
thanks for your patience : )
be never when business start doing this then in over words game over dunno why people still working with these if there offline for days then maybe that gbe a sign
We have been offline for a considerable length of time because we have been looking at options on how best to relaunch the service so that it benefits us and the affiliates. When I say, we will be back - we really do mean this. We apologise for these ongoing problems and we would like to thank those affiliates who have contacted us to ask when we will be back etc. Please bear with us for a little while longer. Thanks!
We are pleased to announce that we will be relaunching the service again very soon. Apologies to those people who expected this long before now but we have been involved in some other projects but we are now back and determined to make the site hugely popular with your help!

The admin/mods have kindly stated that this will be moved from the archived file host section to the active area when the site is back up.

We look forward to working with many of you again soon. :)
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