ryushare deletes files after 90 days of inactivity for premium and 30 for free users.
Is netload an option? They store unlimited GB of files as long as the account is active. Someone tried it or has Premium there?
Is netload an option? They store unlimited GB of files as long as the account is active. Someone tried it or has Premium there?
Your files won't be deleted with a Netload Premium Account. Only if you store more than 500 GB, your files will be deleted after 30 days without any downloads until you are lower than 500 GB.
Users of these accounts can also upload files without restriction. There is no limit of space. Your files will not be deleted automatically. If after storing more than 500 GB on Netload, your account is inactive for more than 30 days, files will be deleted to bring your stored amount below the 500 GB limit.
Whats about Rapidgator?
6 or 8 Tb sounds acceptable for Backup. Do they keep the files really forever as long as you are Premium?
Your files won't be deleted with a Netload Premium Account. Only if you store more than 500 GB, your files will be deleted after 30 days without any downloads until you are lower than 500 GB.
Are you sure? According to theirs terms:
Users of these accounts can also upload files without restriction. There is no limit of space. Your files will not be deleted automatically. If after storing more than 500 GB on Netload, your account is inactive for more than 30 days, files will be deleted to bring your stored amount below the 500 GB limit.
Anyway, have Premium and tested?
Whats about Rapidgator?
6 or 8 Tb sounds acceptable for Backup. Do they keep the files really forever as long as you are Premium?
No, they delete files after 60 days of no activity with premium.
On their Homepage they say this:
At the first Plan with unlimited storage files will be deleted after 60 days inactivity. But at the second and third plan with 6 and 8 TB files will never be deleted.
But the question is if this is true^^