Still no porn?
still no porn allowed ?
Payout - PayPal only? (no AlertPay? no WebMoney?)
there is no alertpay in payment method. ??
add alertpay bro
add webmoney
hello FG pls reply. there is no alertpay in payment option..
paypal is good
FG. Why dont you add alertpay if you said we pay with alertpay.
add alertpay and webmoney
paypal dont support many countries
if you add more payment methods you will be number 1
Please add webmoney
please add alertpay.
Man 400MB download limit for free users is too low. Please upgrade it 1024MB.
Man 400 MB download limit for free users is too low. Please upgrade it 800 MB.
Please increase the download limit for free users to 1GB, unless you should put download limit 1GB for registered users.
¿ Is the max file size 400mb for free users yet?
Dear Friend Filegag
Please increase the download limit for free users to 700MB
500 Internal Server Error
i have upload error. When I have 100% upload, i have
?? I cant upload nothing
I go to my file end i Have
Software error:
Why my option changed to PPS without notice? How to change it back to PPD? I can't change it! I want PPD!
hack to your account?
Yes ! That Great !
hi Filegag why my payment rejected.
500 Internal Server Error
i have upload error. When I have 100% upload, i have
?? I cant upload nothing
I go to my file end i Have
Software error:
Why my option changed to PPS without notice? How to change it back to PPD? I can't change it! I want PPD!
hack to your account?
Yes ! That Great !
hi Filegag why my payment rejected.
Any Payment Proof From
any payment proof here posted ?
Response: 421 Timeout - try typing a little faster next time
Error: Connection closed by server
Response: 421 Idle timeout (900 seconds): closing control connection
Error: Connection closed by server
Site is down
Site is down...
"Can't connect to Mysql server. at Modules/ line 28."
Upload speed: 0 KB/Sec
ftp doesn't work.. same thing with webupload
RU speed very slow. Please FIX
upload speed really slow today
Good site (finally one like fileserve and wupload, the copy option is really apreciated)
I am new with filegag, when I request my first five payments I will make a review (I've seen some other users' payments have been rejected).
For now, up speed is super slow (no more than 5mb/s total) almost all the time (some little times is good 20-40mb/s).
Download count goes up, but earnings are frozen at 0.056 .. why?
hello. When payment?
payment ?
no payment?
pay or no ?
its a support thread or discusion ? bcoz FG not responding ?
Nice download counts, from day to day and it looks nicer. To upload still acted like it would be good
payment today ?
folders under public links show max 20 files only!!!
We will add MoneyBookers , Alertpay not possible Sorry about this !
fuck filegagPayments history DateAmountStatus 2012-05-06$10.13REJECTED
Please, add Webmoney!