-PPS 55% of Sale+Rebill , PPD Upto 30$ per 1000 downloads!

Which Affiliate Plan You like to work with

  • PPS (Pay Per Sale) - 55% of Sale + 55% of Rebill

    Votes: 35 13.4%
  • PPD (Pay Per Download) -Upto 60$ / 1000 Downloads

    Votes: 211 80.5%
  • MIX (Mixed plan) - 50% of downloads + 25% of sales + 25% of Rebill

    Votes: 16 6.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I really liked the speed (dow and up) and the affiliate rates (very good for this days) specially that brazil is in c and not d group, but what i'm worried ... are you 100% sure that you can handle a lot of trafic and a lot of affiliates and mantain your affiliate and also your speed?

obs: by a lot of i mean thousands and thousands views per day (like
100 gb? ok bye

Np, if we plan to go 100GB+ ill post here

We're sorry, there are no servers available for upload at the moment.
Refresh this page in some minutes. ?

Server Upgrade completed

Too bad!!! :facepalm:

I was very happy with Filegag promises.

some times thing don't go as planned


There is no need to quote this here post from uploadboost thread.

Added after 4 minutes:

I really liked the speed (dow and up) and the affiliate rates (very good for this days) specially that brazil is in c and not d group, but what i'm worried ... are you 100% sure that you can handle a lot of trafic and a lot of affiliates and mantain your affiliate and also your speed?

obs: by a lot of i mean thousands and thousands views per day (like

Yeah we can handle the traffic

FileGag only will work for me, when grow up 800MB day to 3000 MB day at least for free users. That's it.

Its not possible now ,

Argentina Group C please xd

Start sending the traffic in , if the quality is good we will add it

any payment proofs

We will payout on coming Wednesday.
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Thank you for putting France in Group B. :)

@FileGag : It is possible to know how we change the affiliate program ? (PPD/PPS/50-50)
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This may be trivial, but please allow Unicode for file names. I have files from another language and I really want to retain the original characters used for those files. Don't want my uploaded files to show up like this, "____________.rar". :(


I didnt see that you edited your post i replied before you edit it..

It is possible to know how we change the affiliate program ? (PPD/PPS/50-50)

Currently we have Only PPD plan .

We are in the process of integrating PPS and 50/50 , it will take upto 2 weeks to complete it
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Many people because of this do not like this site!:(
So I will say me too,which you,raise the speed limit and file size limit a little bit!8-)

Filegag,please consider this!:)
This is ridiculous



please increase

Many people because of this do not like this site!:(
So I will say me too,which you,raise the speed limit and file size limit a little bit!8-)

Filegag,please consider this!:)

Please understand, For now its not possible ,

Hey filegag, will you be added in zooms file uploader soon?

We have send a request to zoom uploader, still no replies from them .
Filegag, if you want make a serious work, you need provide us minimal stability and secure to our data in your servers. Your FTP does not work anymore (again).

[15:10:23] Operation Begin
[15:10:23] Resolving host name ""
[15:10:23] Connecting to Port: 21
[15:10:24] Connected to
[15:10:24] Server closed connection
[15:10:24] Destination connection error.
[15:10:24] Operation End
[15:10:54] Operation Begin
[15:10:54] Resolving host name ""
[15:10:54] Connecting to Port: 21
[15:10:54] Connected to
[15:10:54] Server closed connection
[15:10:54] Destination connection error.
[15:10:54] Operation End

If your server keeping these problems, how can we trust that is a "super server" as you say?

Please, can you fix the ftp problem?
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