-PPS 55% of Sale+Rebill , PPD Upto 30$ per 1000 downloads!

Which Affiliate Plan You like to work with

  • PPS (Pay Per Sale) - 55% of Sale + 55% of Rebill

    Votes: 35 13.4%
  • PPD (Pay Per Download) -Upto 60$ / 1000 Downloads

    Votes: 211 80.5%
  • MIX (Mixed plan) - 50% of downloads + 25% of sales + 25% of Rebill

    Votes: 16 6.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Just reporting, for the first time I had to download from a filegag link (I have yet to try uploading), and my avast antivirus reported the Filegag frame ad with gift-central (or something like that) contained malware.

It won't encourage downloads, the whole page became a blank screen since everything was blocked.
This is a reminder that a payment of $10.13 USD from S Arunprabhu is still waiting for you.
Important: This payment will automatically be returned to S Arunprabhu's account in 5 days, so you should claim it as soon as possible.

This is about what?
And now the whole Filegag website is blocked by Avast antivirus.

Darn, I want my porn, and I found no mirrors outside of filegag for a certain vid, lol.
Please add webmoney

how many take time, when you add webmoney.

NEED payment method - WEBMONEY!!! Will you add it*?

when u will add wm?

adding webmoney is not possible now, we will add moneybookers next week

Just reporting, for the first time I had to download from a filegag link (I have yet to try uploading), and my avast antivirus reported the Filegag frame ad with gift-central (or something like that) contained malware.

It won't encourage downloads, the whole page became a blank screen since everything was blocked.

And now the whole Filegag website is blocked by Avast antivirus.

Darn, I want my porn, and I found no mirrors outside of filegag for a certain vid, lol.

Checking this issue now, maybe its a false positive
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