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FF Admin.. Please answer ticket about payment......Ticket number of 26842 or 26896....I asked for payout in BitCoin OR WMZ 5 days ago but nobody answered me...PLZ answer,, I'll be gratefull if consider it....
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I asked for payment 7 days but filefactory never answered me..

Added after 1 Day 10 Hours:

Payment recieved...Thanks FF
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I'm waiting payments since September. It's been a long time. I have opened tickets and the answer is "be patient".
I have been patient.
I'll stop to use this week. Then I'll delete all my files and look for other filehost to work.
[h=2]Your FileFactory Account Has Been Temporarily Suspended[/h] This could be due to a Terms of Service violation or as a security precaution against possible unauthorized access to your account.
If you choose to contact us about this issue, please ensure you quote the following Suspension Reference: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Please contact support if you require further assistance.

anyone else account has been banned?
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