Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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I have had a payment pending since May 13th 2016 and no payment. I have contacted support twice now and all I get is a canned response

Hello,We are working on making all affiliate payments as soon as possible. At the moment we have a bit of a backlog so thanks for your patience.
I hope that my message has informed you sufficiently for the time being about this matter. If you have further questions or concerns feel free to respond by replying to this email. Many thanks!
Kind regards,
Andy Wong

Senior Customer Support Agent

I do not think they are going to pay. If I do not get a payment soon I will just delete all my files and try another host. I will give them to the end of the month, then I am done.
They support Payza and Amazon Gift Card payouts.
Read the recent comments here to see how fast they are at payouts.

Thanks for your answer..

There is no way to recieve by webmoney or bitcoin because there is no possiblity to work with 2 account (amazon GC and payza) in my country....
I cant made a request with this 2 way...Is there anybody of support team of FileFactory? If there is plz answer me....We can arraNGE a new payment request with BTC or WMZ
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