Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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Download counts, payments are now quite good at Filefactory. But remember that they also deduct the earnings on files that have been deleted by them for DMCA rules.
can anyone elobrate me the difference between classic and megasrewards please .... i can see that they give 20% sales ,, that the ppd table has changed ,, whats the difference ? :/ ..
can anyone elobrate me the difference between classic and megasrewards please .... i can see that they give 20% sales ,, that the ppd table has changed ,, whats the difference ? :/ ..

In classic rewards you get almost half of mega rewards. in classic files uploaded from April 2011 onwards counted for ppd while in mega rewards only uploads made from December 2011 considered for ppd.

Sales (20%) are counted from all uploaded files (irrespective of upload date) whether you opted classic or mega rewards.
Filefactory is good for PPS only.
In PPD plan, most of the free users keep getting the error of "No free slots available" due to which they are not able to download files and we are not able to earn.
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