Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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I use moneybookers last 6 years and it work perfect, it's much easier to use than WM. Hope will earn some money with FF and withdraw via MB (skrill).
With those PPD rates, I'm better off with their PPS.

Doing quite well actually, especially after their commission increase.

Before it was like $2-3 per sale, now it's around $10
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Even though I stopped posting to FF six months ago, I'm gonna give the new PPD a try. FF links are so incredibly scarce these days, I just can't see people rushing out to buy premium accounts
@rboobs, people do buy ff accounts, infact all filehosts sell accounts, its just the scam ones that dont and even if they do they just run away with your money. ff has been in the scene for a pretty long time n yes they do pay. it has been my mirror for a pretty long time, n i still get decent sales n hve been paid till now. all in all it 'was' a perfect uploaders host. i mention 'was' since it is going to be a problem for uploaders now. free size has been increased from 500 to 2000mb :( no captchas for downloading for free users :( previously i used to support ff but with the new scenario i dont know how its going to turn out. wait n watch is all i can say.

ps: the above mentioned comments are in good faith. i do not wish to promote/demote ff or any other filehost or service/s. i share what i feel with my fellow uploaders for 'our' benefit. obviously, many people will differ with my opinion/s
It's nice that FF reintroduce PPD. But it would be a lot nicer if they count DL's.

Changed today to PPD have some DL's but still not counting 1 file.

So its useless this "new" PPD if they don't count anything.
Guys I see the Free User limit has been raised to 2000 MB which is good but I cannot see any information about this PPD plan you are mentioning.

Anyone got a link ?
Me neither, thanks anyway thedossetup but I have trawled through the site and can't find anything. Perhaps its a localization thing and I cannot see it where I am.

Anyway I hope they don't add PDD.
they only payza do so it pointless payza is blocking business accounts now as I found out

not sure if you have checked but they also have skrill aka moneybookers

Me neither, thanks anyway thedossetup but I have trawled through the site and can't find anything. Perhaps its a localization thing and I cannot see it where I am.

Anyway I hope they don't add PDD.

Sorry to burst your bubble but they already added PPD.
Me neither, thanks anyway thedossetup but I have trawled through the site and can't find anything. Perhaps its a localization thing and I cannot see it where I am.

Anyway I hope they don't add PDD.

If you preffer PPS and already have your files on FileFactory, no need to worry. They have two diffrent plans. PPS and PPD. So you can choose as shown below.
FF has also now reduced the space allowed to 98% of users take up less than 1 TB so thats whats allowed now and free users basically have far less than before. Maybe they did not check that the 2% of people were the ones sharing stuff so used more space.
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