Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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Until recently he always paid me.
Now he also starts with me, since 3 months I wait for my money.
I have 3-4 friends and they have the same problem:(
I've never seen a hoster like this, best to keep your hands off!
Filefactory is best host if you like being banned after 6 months waiting for the payment. :sweat_smile:. They used to be good long time ago. If you do not care about being paid FF is actually somewhat good for file backup. I'm using it for that purpose last two years.
Read old posts from this thread. That's what FF does for years. Pays few times then bans you if you ask for money. I avoided being banned cause I asked them to cancel my payment request and activate premium voucher instead. Since then, as I mentioned earlier - I use them only for backup. If you are looking strictly for money making FF is not host for you.
Asking for it does not work either, most likely they will ban you. If you don't get paid try at least to get those vouchers and sell them to re-sellers for discounted prices. Otherwise you won't get anything, like many of us before you.
Unfortunately I already have a Liftime account, I can not make a voucher:(

Never again FileFActory, the whole internet will hear that they won't pay out any more, nobody will upload files there.
I will take care of that sachon ;)
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