Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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You know isn't the golden age of the filehost anymore, so just wait until you longest waiting period (mine 4 months) and if they don't pay then just move on, I remember after the Megauplad debacle the only file host that pay me was Hotfile (even with all that shitstorm), filesonic, wupload, filepost, filejungle, etc, those just died with my earnings, sad but true. BTW @FlashAsuna you have a lot of patience
Yes you are right
I have asked you, please, do you know a profit site to upload files like filefactory
You are charged if one of them carries the same 5 different files

For example, if a free member or anonymous user downloads five of your files in a 24 hour period, 5 downloads will qualify. If they download the same file five times in a 24 hour period, only one download will qualify.
Yes, it is the end and always late in the previous year's payment. They did not pay for 4 months at this time, and if they did not pay this year 2017, I will not enter it again in December.
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