Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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My filefactory account suspended today!!

I open a support ticket, not gonna wait for response.
In the suspension it says that i shared my account what i do not did.
The only place where i used my premium login is by my rapidleech provider.

It has been our experience that when you share your FF username and password with a rapidleech type provider, your account details are often copied or stolen and then used or shared across the Internet, which is why your account would have been suspended. We do not recommend that you use such services.

In the case where this is an honest mistake we often restore the account but you would need to supply us with a new unique email address.[/QUOTE]

happy to c such famous & old filehost replying questions in support thread if it is a real support account for FF & not a spamer
and yes i agree i had my accounts all of them since they are premium they were shared in my rapidleech so beware
Filefactory is a crap host they haven't been paying a lot of affiliates since 2012, they even banned people if they asked about payment.

The only reason ffsupport is here because they become a little small shit host with only upload/download troubles not to mention screwing their affiliates

People should be aware that since this host started there have always been trouble with payment.
Be smart stay away from this Australian crap host.
I don't know WTF you're talking about.

Filefactory has always paid to me. There were some delays in 2013, but the money eventually arrived.

They've been around for a very fucking long time and still works great and all my files since I started using them are still there.
Many uploaders want a STABLE host which downloaders are able to get files reliably. The payout is just a small bonus. We actually rely our main income elsewhere, like a REAL JOB.

I also don't understand what the hell you're talking about download/upload problems.
I've used zoom & sometimes FTP to upload and I haven't had any problems uploading ever that I can recall.
Downloading is also no problem at all and Filefactory is my main host that I re-download my own files to send to other hosts or to check when my users report about unrar problems.
They're very fast to upload and download on my NL RDP and usually 1 download will already be nearly 50MBytes/second while other hosts usually will cap the download speeds to less than 5MB/s.

I'm also pretty confident that the people who got banned when asking for payment had a very good reason to get banned. Most likely fraudulent activities.

Also, please tell me of ANY host which hasn't had any problems with payment???

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Really, seeing your screenshot last payment was 26 oct 2013, this is your prove that filefactory is legit???? this needs a :facepalm:

A good website/service doesn't drop 900+ in global rank in a few months, and keeps dropping, if its so good as you fan boys say it is, and lets face it its only in the 4000 because of its popularity (for what ever reason) in Asia, and i'm sorry but this is the most useless traffic a website can get.

And yes every filehost has had some sort of problem, BUT filefactory is the only one that did not pay what they owed their affiliates, at leased from all the hosts i have used.

maybe you get good upload speed, duh yes ofcourse they have not that much traffic, for some reason i got a year premium (After they said i would get paid soon), could not use it since no popular forum or blog has any filefactory links,
most useless thing on the web is having a filefactory premium
That is because I cancelled my previous payout requests so that I'll save up to a wire transfer instead.

I admit I don't make much on filefactory, but this is not the reason I use them.

I on the other hand want a stable host for my downloaders. All my files from several YEARS back are still available for my downloaders. This is all that matters. Other hosts on the other hand, files expire after a few months, so all that is left are DEAD LINKS.

Of course if you are living off your main income from uploading, you should probably look for other hosts which may sell better than FF.

They've just been delaying payments. All payment request which has been reversed, the amount is still in your account. All you have to do is request payment again. As anyone can see from the recent posts here, people are getting paid!

My point with the my screenshot is that they've ALWAYS paid me. Yes, there has been delays, but eventually ALL the money has been paid!

Warezbb has ff links. I use it to download TV series all the time. It's my preferred host since I get the fastest download speed from ff than other hosts. Also on warezbb, often even years old links of FF still works while other host links are all dead because they expired already.
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That is because I cancelled my previous payout requests so that I'll save up to a wire transfer instead.
My point with the my screenshot is that they've ALWAYS paid me. Yes, there has been delays, but eventually ALL the money has been paid!

You used a unrelated screenshot to make your point, they paid me till last year so that is prove they pay everybody always.

I admit I don't make much on filefactory, but this is not the reason I use them.

I on the other hand want a stable host for my downloaders. All my files from several YEARS back are still available for my downloaders. This is all that matters. Other hosts on the other hand, files expire after a few months, so all that is left are DEAD LINKS.

Other hosts, other nameless hosts that delete files maybe they have more uploaders hd space is expensive, since you don't name these hosts i can not really comment.
but your point is filefactory is better that these other nameless hosts.

Of course if you are living off your main income from uploading, you should probably look for other hosts which may sell better than FF.

Can not answer this, no idea why you would say this, other then making a weird unrelated point.

They've just been delaying payments. All payment request which has been reversed, the amount is still in your account. All you have to do is request payment again. As anyone can see from the recent posts here, people are getting paid!

yes i guess some people get paid, lets ignore that most don't get paid, lets focus only on the few that have been paid.

Warezbb has ff links. I use it to download TV series all the time. It's my preferred host since I get the fastest download speed from ff than other hosts. Also on warezbb, often even years old links of FF still works while other host links are all dead because they expired already.

Keep in mind they have not many uploaders, so yes they have enough space to not delete files, wierd thing is you keep saying fastest download and stuff like that why not make a screenshot of this instead of useless payment proof screenshot where you have been paid last time in 2013.
btw i couldn't care less please don't reply with screenshots, or what ever. you made your point really well.
In fact, I have decided I will not waste any time with trolls like you.

Why should I waste my time providing any more screenshots, when you yourself are just writing statements bashing filefactory WITHOUT any fucking proof yourself.

Of course, you yourself has made your points very well too.

Enough of this. I have wasted too much time on retards like you already.
i must say good result, but i love the way you fan boys think, if you say the trued about filefactory, then you all come with void arguments, and then you say i'm trolling and start name calling.

point is they don't pay everybody, maybe a few i do not know

a good file host doesn't drop from in the hundreds to 4000+ if its a perfect file host

How much proof does anybody need! wars started with less evidence then this.

also if i'm lying and bashing filefactory for no reason then the report button is on the left bottom of the post!

Lets hope now (yn) that your nonsense replys stop.
Your negative to the filefactory known for a very long time!

You love bitshare, but for me they shit!
Especially after the 5000 disappearance mass users files from my premium account.

Filefactory most downloaded files 2-3 years ago is still available for download.
And I beg you do not need to address the negative here filefactory.
You do not like it, so use the other services.

p.s.: sorry my bad english
I don't like bitshare, i think its just as bad as filefactory, don't know why you would think the opposite.

Your bad English isn't the problem, like many filefactory fan boys your understanding is a big problem.

This site as i understand it is a discussion board, correct me if i'm wrong, this is not a thread only for how great something is, maybe you should start a blog about how great you think filefactory is, instead of what you trying to do now.

But i do love the things you and that other dude say as arguments, because files are there for 2-3 years, it doesn't matter that they don't pay
Payza approved 20 may - payza account today 0.00
FF scammers?
This guy totally disagrees with you, wait a minute!
Moggy isn't trolling. I'm one of the guys who got their account deleted about 1 year ago after requesting a payment.
I'm glad I moved on because now I'm doing tons of money using other hosts.
There are people who upload in order to make money, then filefactory is probably not going to be a good host for you.

There are also people who upload in order to SHARE files for users to be able to download conveniently and that files won't expire and stay there for years. In this case, filefactory is a very good host to use.
It isn't about making or not making money, it is about being serious about a business.
If you're a file host and you're going to close any user account, you should at least have the decency to give a valid reason about why that account was closed.
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