Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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From FF:
Amounts due to affiliates for any calendar month are paid 15 days after the end of the month. You can request payments multiple times throughout the month and they will be paid in one lump sum. To ensure prompt payment please make your final payment request two days before the end of the month.
Well I got paid around the 26th of May after requesting on the 30th of April. This is abnormal as they have a large backlog of payments to clear before everything is back to normal.

One thing I will mention though is that they have always paid, albeit they take their sweet fcuking time about it sometimes.
Thanks for your informations! Looks like FF now is not an alternative for BS which payments are delayed 70 days now and counting...
I'm working with BS for three years now and always got paid. Unfortunately the delay is now getting bigger and bigger and they don't give any information to their affiliates about it so I'm pretty demotivated to work with them :facepalm:
But if FF also is in a massive delay right now, I don't think it's a good alternative for me instead of BS...
Anyone else getting brutally slow speeds as registered user? I'm talkin like 10 kbps slow... I understand the point of keeping free and registered users at a lower speed to encourage ppl to buy their service, but thats like slower than dial up...
Payment no,but today,without a reason and my permission i noticed an unauthorized token generation of -$29.00 from my earnings.I never asked for something like this.What's going on? Filefactory is stealing our earnings? Shame on you FF :cursing:
Payment no,but today,without a reason and my permission i noticed an unauthorized token generation of -$29.00 from my earnings.I never asked for something like this.What's going on? Filefactory is stealing our earnings? Shame on you FF :cursing:

You account is hacked, or you stored your info on some RapidLeech. Same thing happened to me. Contact support immediately, and they will reverse it. Also, change your password.
No stored info on Rapidleech and i don't think my account is hacked because FF has already created a voucher for 90 days membership that is still unused.I already contact them and i'm waiting for a reply.

---------- Post added 10th Jun 2013 at 12:16 PM ---------- Previous post was 9th Jun 2013 at 09:49 PM ----------

No reply from FF so far :-(
they have a very bad track record of not paying or paying a few, don't know why people still take the bait and keep coming back to this host once they restate their ppd plan again.
Well, my track record of them has been just fine. Never missed any payments. It may sometimes take some time, but eventually the money always arrives.

So I don't know WTF those people who have problems are talking about because I also know a lot of people who also have always received their money.

In fact, out of all the hosts I've been using, FF is the one I'm still using since I started this and will continue using as long as I'm into this.
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