- Earn up to 50$/10K - Reliable Video / File Hosting

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To upgrade to the affiliate representative rank, you must adhere to our pre-requisites;

- Registered on WJunction for at least 1 month.
- Your domain must be at least 5+ months old.

If you do not adhere to the above, do NOT apply. If you apply and you do not adhere to the above, we will not accept a further application until 1 month has passed.
domain_dateregistered: 2014-02-08T19:47:39+13:00
> 1 month
Join Date: 9th Mar 2014
< 1 month

Yes, and sticky?
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Welcome To WJ
Thanks Th3KiNG

Added after 2 minutes:

Who said that we have a Affiliate Representative rank?
No need for these kind of posts please, if you don't like filecore you can just simply not use it.

Added after 2 minutes:

i just explain it right? i upload 2 files both 1gb then after i upload bcom 400mb? @.@

We are very sorry for the inconvenience, but no user is experiencing this error from his side nor from our side.
Please check again.
Last edited: is a weird domain to be using for a file host I know there is another file host using it put there is a reason why they are using it
Last edited: is a weird domain to be using for a file host I know there is another file host using it put there is a reason why they are using it
.com and .net domain are easily taken down by the "You know who" :) , New Zealand domains are more safe.

Added after 1:

thanks for webmoney
You are more than welcomed :) , now go earn yourself some money.
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