FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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well, my doubts are thickening ... wrote a mail to them, asking how big the chances are, that i'll be paid those €300 due ... no reply :( i guess that says a lot :(
i think they r just fooling us by saying that we have paid many and even some here and those who posted their screen here on thiss thread got banned bz i searched pages back i cant see anyone getting banned . So i think they just want to make few more sales and what we get is nothing lolz or infact just some consolation like we have paid people over 600euro and u will get paid soon . This host was never serious after they got their pp banned bz there were many many hosts and even they lost money in paypal but still they invested money and paid there affliciates though it may have been a delay of 1-2 weeks or max a month but they dint paid for months and just either they dont come here or the comments they make here r with sole motto to bump their thread :(
So, today is the last day to pay all, how many people have been paid and how many people still not?

give us info, Fiber

tomorrow, payments will be weekly or more every 15 days or 3 years of waiting?

the minimum will always be 100 euro? or as you said it lead to less?

that support ...
Not sure how they're going to do it but its going to be a miracle for them to pull something off that will make their uploaders stay.
I for one, won't be using this filehost any longer if I don't get my payment by the end of tomorrow. Will be deleting all my files and such. Everyone was under the impression that they would actually pay their uploads but guess not. The old owner (BulletUpload) sure sold the site to a scumbag host.
The minimum payout amount will be changed very soon. First we need to pay the highest debts, and after that we will decrease it in order to pay all affiliates until 30th aug. like we said.

Thank you

so Fiberupload any update? I think after so many months its time to hold what you say ;)
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