FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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stop upgrade your system instead complete all pauout for uploader

lollipopjp, haha because it's funny.
we'll never stop upgrading, we'll start payouts ASAP

do you refunded the premium sale to the buyer if the file was deleted via DMCA? Do you consider normal to profit from deleted files, while uploaders dont? No hatin, just a retorical question.. i dont even expect an answer..

here is an answer: our paypal account was blocked along with all the money in it because of DMCA, so where is the profit for either us or uploaders ?
3 weeks that the PPD plan stopped and still no payment.

If I request payment tomorrow, will I get pay on the 15th of May 2012?
PPD is back & payouts are starting!

Dear affiliates,

As you already know and as we had told you in our previous messages, our collaboration with the well known payment processor - PayPal - was limited by them. This limitation cannot be appealed. Implicitly, our funds are held by them for 180 days or until we close the legal dispute (our lawyers are dealing with this problem and are trying to rush the deadline).

In order to respect our promises to you and to restore ASAP to the quality of our services, we had to stop the PPD affiliate program and postpone the pending payments. However, we will not let you wait for 180 days and we will struggle to make the payouts as soon as possible.

Now that our new payment system has been implemented and tested for a period of 10 days we have managed to restart both affiliate programs including the Pay Per Downloads program. You can see the tiers on the Affiliate page.

Because we don't want to keep you in suspense any longer and in order to be able to pay sooner and as much as possible we had to return all pending payments amounts to your account balance and the "request payout" limit was temporarily raised to 100EUR. This limit will be reduced according with our website evolution and implicitly yours. We will try to begin reducing the limit from next week and keep on reducing back to 20EUR until all payouts are made and everyone gets paid.

If you will support us and you will start uploading we believe that all our debts will be paid in less than 1 month (maybe even faster) and all limits will return to normal.

Our technical staff has already made major improvements in all areas around and more improvements are coming. We already have a better notification system, letting you know what is happening to your files and money; a better download queueing setup preventing server overloads and almost double the storage space and bandwidth that we had a month ago.

Next up is an FTP system you can rely on and more gadgets for uploaders, making the daily routing of uploading as easy as click, click, earn.

Once again we turn to your trust and good faith in the FiberUpload Team and ask you to help us keep this website running so you can earn more and use a professional file hosting website.

As you see, we do have good faith in you and we are trying in all honesty to provide you the most accurate information as soon as we can rely on it ourselves.

We have already started sending payouts, and I hope that you will soon receive payment proofs from your colleagues.

So, everyone, let's start making money!

Kind regards,

The FiberUpload Team
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lolz wat a nice joke . even we dont have funds to be able to get servers everytime and start uploading and finally we see we r not paid . Sorry to say but some people here may able to buy new servers etc to start uploading again but thats not the case with me and many others . Nice move to raise limits to 100 euro so now we cant demand our money and will keep quiet .
lolz wat a nice joke . even we dont have funds to be able to get servers everytime and start uploading and finally we see we r not paid . Sorry to say but some people here may able to buy new servers etc to start uploading again but thats not the case with me and many others . Nice move to raise limits to 100 euro so now we cant demand our money and will keep quiet .

I agree. they shouldn't raised the limit to 100 Euro instead maybe 50 Euro will be better for many.
See i have already considered my money is lost for 2 reasons .

Firstly by the time i will make 100 euro some of my old files will delete and that earning will get removed

Secondly i have no moeny to pay for a server atm.

Thirdly by the time i make 100euro and if u again had some payment processor problem so i am in more deep trouble bz everytime u make some new promises and none of them are fulfilled unfortunately mate .

So conclusion is u made a good move to keep us quiet for being loyal to ur filehost till now . good work @ fiberupload :)
file earning are not removed when files expire, only when files are reported (DMCA complaints)

you won't be saying that once you see payments are being made

and the 100 limit is temporary, it will allow payout to the biggest of fiberupload's debts to users, then the limit will be reduced and return to 20 as soon as more money starts rolling in

Fiberupload, if you are legit, explain this. My OVER 100E request (made 1 full month ago) was canceled. Why? And I don`t see any "request money button".
SebyM @ so wat i should do ? should i beg people for money to get server and i should upload to make 100euro . lolz . And god only knows when will u decrease the limits to the extend that i can request my payout .
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