FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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Hello Japan users,

After many emails read and requests from you to add Japan back in tier B we would like you to recommend a good Japan ad network in order to justify and sustain your payouts.

PM us with your recommendations.

Thank you for your understanding, FiberUpload Team.

Hello everyone else,

I want to apologize for the inconveniences caused by our overloaded servers and the lack of response from our part, but we had a very big increase in traffic in the last weeks and we were busy upgrading our data center.
We still have a lot of work, but we hope it will not interfere with your work or the quality of our services.

You already met SebyM, and we are proud to announce that he is the new member of our team and one of the top programmers.
If you have good ideas for special mods to integrate in our system do not hesitate to ask him. If is a good idea he will implement it for you.

Thank you
In RU is says:
Up to 2048 Mb, 20 files max
You can enter up to 20 URLs, one URL per row
If I put more then 3 files (4,5,6, etc), the other files give error when creating link:
Dragon%20Ball%20Z%20-%20e017%20-%20A%20Cidade%20dos%20Guerreiros.avi wasn't saved! Number of files limit exceeded.

What is the limit? 3 files?
after the hardware upgrade, speed ( upload and download) are much stable than before, and my earning increase along with these.
Better download speed = Better earning for both of us (fiberupload and uploader)
The new designer is already warming up, small modifications and fixes will start early next week.

Meanwhile the new servers are 5-7% loaded, so please, follow the hint in this image:

Hi Why is it that download counter not showing anything for certain files ....

i have a set of rar file parts which are all required to be downlaoded to have the complete file ... but some parts don't show the download counter at while the file has been downloaded and extracted fully and have also got replies for it ...
Looks strange...
Here is the pic :

That happens to me as well.
My files aren't multi part files but I'll upload lets say 5 files for example & 3 of them will have a bunch of downloads & the other 2 will only have a few downloads.
I know the same people that have downloaded the files that show being downloaded a bunch of times,would want all 5 of them,not just a few.
When I put the same files on another host, all 5 files get downloaded about the same number of times.
Most filehosts(or probably all??) count only one file download/per IP address/day, if the IP address is of a Premium Account.
If the file is downloaded by a Free Account member, all 5 parts will be counted; if it is downloaded by a Premium Member, only one/day will be counted. That;s why you have the discrepancy.
Is it possible to change the 'folder view' (when I share a folder link) into detailed file list?
With the icons is not so user friendly.
That happens to me as well.
My files aren't multi part files but I'll upload lets say 5 files for example & 3 of them will have a bunch of downloads & the other 2 will only have a few downloads.
I know the same people that have downloaded the files that show being downloaded a bunch of times,would want all 5 of them,not just a few.
When I put the same files on another host, all 5 files get downloaded about the same number of times.

Same here.
I have file part2 with 50 downloads and file part1 with 6 downloads. Big difference....

Added after 16 minutes:

Yesterday and today the download speed is great, the upload speed is great! Congratulations, first time I see a good filehost.
My downloads increased...

The 3 things I don't like in fiberupload:
- Remove the earnings of deleted files.
- limit of 100GB of space for registered users.
- limite of 800MB download for anonymous users.

Can I make another register to have more 100GB of space?

Added after 16 minutes:

Request feature:
Send e-mail or create a page/folder when one file is deleted.

This away we can manage better the files.
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