FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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any answer to this question?

hi maryonex and elkape22, nice to meet you both.

unfortunately i can only answer technical support related questions so you need to wait until fiberupload gets online.

you can get a faster answer by sending an email to

maryonex, the rule is actually "Delete files after 60 days without downloads" so actually if your file is a good file and people are interested in it, it an stay forever if anyone downloads it. Every time it's downloaded, the delete date is pushed back 60 days. Is this NOT OK ?
Do you need to store personal files for personal use ? If so, I can suggest a new feature like 'mark this file personal' = only you can download it and it won't get money or referrer bonuses.

Added after 7 minutes:

any answer to this question?

hi maryonex and elkape22, nice to meet you both.

unfortunately i can only answer technical support related questions so you need to wait until fiberupload gets online.

you can get a faster answer by sending an email to

maryonex, the rule is actually "Delete files after 60 days without downloads" so actually if your file is a good file and people are interested in it, it an stay forever if anyone downloads it. Every time it's downloaded, the delete date is pushed back 60 days. Is this NOT OK ?
Do you need to store personal files for personal use ? If so, I can suggest a new feature like 'mark this file personal' = only you can download it and it won't get money or referrer bonuses.

On a related subject, we are legally bound to delete files reported by the DMCA agent system as copyright protected, so those files will be gone with the wind and there's nothing we can do about it.
Added after 6 minutes:

Since I doubt you read the 100+ pages of this thread, please allow me to forward you everyone's feelings : while we know there are ups and downs, you should absolutely make a priority to never fall below the 90/100 kB/s speed for downloaders, otherwise fiberupload will forever lose rep with the would-be customers.

hi reneefr, thank you, indeed i only read the latest 30'ish pages

i understand your feelings, and let me rephrase for everyone:
I said ''Rather than the speed improvement, I'm personally interested in seeing the upload issues fixed and increased reliability"
What this means is that I am in charge of stability. Two other of my colleagues are working on speed and load balancing.

You are completely right, a decent speed is necessary for a good reputation, and the main reason for the latest turtle-speed downloads is the server load. I'm pretty sure no one at FiberUpload expected it to be such a huge success, since server loads were calculated based on a prediction of usage for the first month that seems to have been under rated. Thus, more servers are coming in, software is being improved and more people are getting involved (as support I mean), so result should start popping up ASAP.
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hey @SebyM Are You Stuff of fiberupload?
Can Tell About that feature? personal store? is this available?

hey @SebyM Are You Stuff of fiberupload?
Can Tell About that feature? personal store? is this available?
Now try to buy a premium account from my account, but does not give me the option to pay the balance on my paypal account, just gives me the option of the card associated with my paypal account. After trying to do so by that means give me a message that said they could not verify the status of my card.

They could fix that to pay with paypal account balance. There is no other way to purchase premium codes to add to my account?

Sorry for my english ):

hi querubin, I'm no paypal expert, but I'll forward your question to
Fatal Error: Can\'t copy file from temp dir (Permission denied) :s

hi CarsT, i'm just guessing, but i think you stumbled onto a full server. I just disabled upload on it so future upload will go to a good server.
You should try uploading a small file (1-2 MB) to see if that works. If it does, re-upload your original file.

I've also forwarded this to the team for further investigation

hey @SebyM Are You Stuff of fiberupload?
Can Tell About that feature? personal store? is this available?

hi saninokia, yes I am

That was just an idea that I just had. If there's enough people interested in it, I'll propose it to the administration and if it gets approved, it will be added to the site features.

That makes 2 people interested so far, can we get 10 ?

The remote upload no work

Hi Eckonet, issue noted, but for now it's pushed back by more pressing matters, please be patient a little while longer
i am interested in personal store and also copy function,i need a backup solution,previously i stored my files in my lifetime cramit account,after few days i saw my files getting deleted,then i saw new rules for premium users that a store limitation of 180 or something else for premium users,which was not in rules before i bought its useless for me now.and make upload speed better.
hi querubin, I'm no paypal expert, but I'll forward your question to

That's because FU works with recurring payments, if you buy premium, it will automatically be extended , unless you cancel it in your PP account (as everyone seems to do as I see no rebills X-( )

In order to do this, Paypal needs a CC number, as they can not be sure that your PP balance will be sufficient at the time of the rebill
no undestand....
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^ Are you retarded? First of all, turn off the caps lock. Second, I suggest to improve your shitty english. Third, read the f`ing last 2 pages, he clearly says that the servers are overloaded and by the end of next week this problem will be solved by adding new servers.
More education " blaxz ", i'm not your father while perhaps be his age, ok

speek to me in the good Portuguese

Percebes, retardado és tu, pois eu sei um pouco de inglês e tu tens de ir ao tradutor para perceberes isto.

hi mRider,

sorry to hear that you're having trouble with the website.
I know service is still buggy, but we're doing our best to get everything in order, so please be patient just a little while longer.

this is for everyone: we don't care about your English skills, as long as we can understand the message, it's just fine. if we can't understand it, we'll ask you to rephrase it or try another language you're more familiar with.

i'm not into moderating, just wanted to let you know we'll read any message be it 'the utmost clear English', 'slang xpreshun, yo daug', 'mix linguas de todo il mundo' or even 'nihongo desu, arigato de gozaimasu' and act if we can understand it
Hi, fiberupload/SebyM

Why Japan change to Group C.
Please add Japan to Group B/A....Please....
There are many XXX movie make from Japan.
And many downloader in Japan will download these files and maybe buy premium account from fiberupload.

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