FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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If i select mixed Partner type i have also 25% of rebills of premium selled?

THe reply is yes...sorry i read now on affiliate page...
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We customized the script and this message appears only when downloading files with more than 700 downloads on servers that are overloaded.
This message can appear and disappear depending on the load of the server where that file is hosted.
This feature is for premium users, that paid for our services, in order for them to be able to download and not to complain about speed.

Next.... :facepalm:

Please tell me you gonna fix this, don't let Google give your site and other sites use your links the sentence "This site can harm your computer".
xfilepro sites that stay, only have ftp upload
because its costs 300$ to install that mod
think this site is not professional at al , and as so many others run true a couple of childs ....
Hi Fiberupload, i've just joined your service and uploaded 10 GB for testing, it works smoothly 50mb/s with no failed upload, please keep it that way :).
i'll report on DL count later, i just hope i won't have the same experience as the italian mate.8-)

Please tell me you gonna fix this, don't let Google give your site and other sites use your links the sentence "This site can harm your computer".

Please check again and tell me if you still receive those errors, I have iframe only from an ad network, so I can find out what is the problem.

Thank you very much
Please check again and tell me if you still receive those errors, I have  iframe only from an ad network, so I can find out what is the problem.

Now its OK :)
Hello WJ users,

You all asked a lot of times about FTP Upload.
I am proud to notify you that FTP Upload is ready to use!

FTP Details:
Username: your fiberupload login
Password: your fiberupload password

You can find the FTP Details in "My Account" section.

^^ thanks

Where can we see pending FTP files???

and plz talk to Jdownloader and ask them to release a update for your hosts...all of your links show offline in Jdownloader... 80% of users uses Jdownloader
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