FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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Every day the same. Nothing is going better.

And since 3 weeks i wait for decision to increase 60 day storage time. ( I mean there are Hosters which give their registered users more storage time) Fiberupload hat es nicht nötig darauf zu antworten.

But no comment. They do really nothing for their uploaders. Its time to leave.
I cant download...

The file you have requested is being prepared for download, please wait a moment.
This page will auto-refresh in 5 seconds.

JUST GREAT. I guess that`s why my stats are so LOW yesterday and today. The "maintenance mode" plus the download that doesen`t fcking start. At least sebym could say if he is working or not at the problem
u rite . first of all money decreases for files that get delete . but if they r so rigid with such rules then atleast some compensation should be provided for uploaders when there is problem from their hand like from these 2 days else its just goin to be a down down situation for uploaders only :(
And never a compensation for uploaders or Premium Users.

But what really funzt perfectly is deleting files. There is never a bug in system.
most fake filehost in this world,my files still getting deleted and earning also removing,why files uploaded then? just leaving this host for forever.

Why you are so often against other uploaders? I read a lot of your post which were similar to the post from saninokia in other Filehostthreads.

Do you really think you are a better Uploader than other? If yes, why?

But I'm sure you are german.

P.S Forgot to say that i'm German too
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I am not against other uploaders. Just that some of them complain for non sens, I mean if you upload the latest blockbuster movie for example, and you check your file "public", you must expect the filehost doesen`t take any risks and deletes it. Maybe other forms of "copyrighted material" is more accepted. And half of the post from this thread are questions which are already answered on the other page or the information is on the site on the FAQ. It gets too annoying.
Oh and I`m not german, I am from the same country the filehost is.


I read a lot of your post which were similar to the post from saninokia in other Filehostthreads.

I did not post in any other thread except this one. There is a guy who has a nickname similar to mine lol
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most fake filehost in this world,my files still getting deleted and earning also removing,why files uploaded then? just leaving this host for forever.

sorry to see you go saninokia.

maeuhs, here are my comments on missing files and here are the terms of service, you can scroll straight to Infringements

hi pedroguns, be patient, it will come, the load is very high so the waiting time increases

blaxz, the maintenance mode is still active on two of our servers and our hardware provider is working on getting us a replacement part. we had expected it today but it didn't come, hopefully it will tomorrow, then the maintenance mode will be removed. in the meantime, you can re-upload that file and re-port the link, it will work.
ps: sa traiesti
Thats o.k, i also hate the ever coming same questions. But in this case he is right, mostly all Hosts only deletes Files and not the earnings from them (its really suspect, if 3 guys buy premium from this files do they delete their premiums? Ofcourse not, only a simple way to pay less money)

And in the past i liked your answers, but i can't agree if you answer in this aggressive way.


Edit: @ sebyM

What has my question about 60 day storage time time to do with your answer? Don't understand.
I was going to re-upload the problem files anyway. You could have posted this earlier, it would be much better if you report all things that are happening/changing, even if they are problems.

PS:mersi, la fel :))
the news section will be active in a short while with an email subscription option.
there you'll be able to see all changes as soon as they happen, and some changes even before they happen

in the future it's possible that the system will be changed to show deleted file records in a table as many users have requested, but there are other priorities now
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