FiberUpload: No support/Thread Closed

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I got this error message from my free users.

Upgrade to Premium to download this file!
This file reached max downloads limit for free users.
Request Payment button disappeared
now free users can download less than 800MB
what the hell is going on?

Can only think about serious financial problems X-(

* payments to uploaders are delayed for two more weeks
* traffic from free users will disappear, so less costs (which is understandable)
* less free traffic = less to pay to people on PPD

@ Admin, me and others have told you before : get rid of these 10 days accounts ! My earnings are still 75% lower as with my previous host. And if I earn less, you earn less too
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Admin is online but he isn`t fcking responding. They paid the first time, but now they removed the request payment button 3 and a half days before.
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This server is not working...
You are supposed to wait 5 seconds then nothing happens

Please FIX THAT because all my recent files are down... Other servers are working but that one is not connecting to the files
This server is not working...
You are supposed to wait 5 seconds then nothing happens

Please FIX THAT because all my recent files are down... Other servers are working but that one is not connecting to the files

hi BlackIce.
Just tested S13 and it works just fine for me.
Can you PM me with file names that you can't download ?
as i have said before, i can only answer technical related questions

i have notified fiberupload about your concerns, but that is about all that i can do
well, i did say that a couple of times in this thread

i'm sure all problems will be sorted out as soon as possible, so don't worry
lol he is just ignoring the missing request button. FIBERUPLOAD = BIG ROMANIAN SCAM

We will have to wait and see...

Anyway, today will be calm for me, thanks for that Fiber <3

Leave tomorrow for a holiday, and planned to upload quite a lot of files before. Is canceled now, will not use precious resources of the server :P

Curious to see if there is still a host when I return ...
I don't understand why blaxz is so annoyed by the missing button...
You knew from the last payment that they will remove it when the time is close to the deadline...
Now because they remove it with a day earlier then I think to have time and check all the payment and not to exist any delay for delivery process...

Do you even know what SCAM is?
What is the case that you could not request a day's earnings... you can request that day on 25 again what is the case here?
Can`t stop worrying. Removing the request payment button so early, 3 and a half days before the actual payment without posting here why means serious problems. Your team should have warn us before that the button will dissapear so early, so it`s clearly that the sells weren`t as expected and now you don`t have enough funds to pay the uploaders, only a minority who requested the payment much earlier than normal.
So yeah, that`s serious concerning reasons, maybe the end of fiberupload

EDIT: @BlackIce: Last time fiberupload posted here multiple times that the ideal period for requesting payment is two days before, now he didn`t say nothing (not before and not after) and they removed the button at 7/04 at 00:00
Probably because he is an experienced uploader who has been screwed before by unreliable filehosts.

There shouldn't be a 'request button' anyway, payments should be done automatically to everyone who has reached the minimum amount.

Or at least the should tell very clear the deadline when you have to make the request. Now it looks very much like a trick to delay payments.

And no, I don't really need that money, it is just that I only want to work with reliable people. If there is not trust, then I leave
But you can request a payment any time you want...
If you request a payment of 200$ then you made another 50$ then you can request again and there will be a single request of 250$...

You can request as much as you can because there only be single request which will grow...

I personally request 2 or 3 times per day...

So I don't understand why is so upset... basically he lost the money from today and I didn't said that correctly because the money are not lost just delayed to be requested next time...
Too bad almost no one knew that. And I don`t know if it`s even true, but if it is, why isn`t this mentioned on their site? :facepalm:
Whatever. Maybe I should have requested earlier, but the fact that the button dissapeared earlier this time without any notification remains. As you can see on the other page, I`m not the only one why tried to request payment just now, and now will have to wait 2 weeks.
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