fembed.com your opinion

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Thanks for the update but I have a bad feeling about this. I think it's gonna turn like mixdrop or vidoza. I think my friends might start looking towards mangovideo and maybe easyload. I am sorry if I am bringing anyone down but I just feel that if quality of service goes down for this long it's never going to be back. Anyways again thank you.

Can you give me the URL of Mangovideo?
Mangovideo just lets you share their embeds. It's not a videohost. I tried on - and offsite embeds but most of them turned into 'file not found'.

I still like doodstream best.
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the streaming is very very slow 15 minutes after the streaming is very very slow 10 minutes after it is very very slow

can someone explain to me?
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Very slow download 100 KB / S

someone to confirm please
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Not just slow download and stream. It's non existing. I mean it stops for 4 to 5 minutes and the comes back and again and again and when it finally reached 99% it showed the error thingy again and did it from the start.

Second time though was a little bit faster.

Stream was...... I don't know....
fembed its very bad, slow player, encoding some times take more than 3 days and he dont get encoded, support 0, and he can delete your files withoout any notice
fembed = BAD
while they fixed encoding (for now) still many videos after uploading give error 224003.
hope they fix it asap, cuz re-uploading every video with that error is time-consuming, and you still can't be sure if the video will not end up with this error again.
i can't complain about the support, they always respond quickly.
Very slow, currently the fastest is Gounlimited and netu.
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Fembed has become one of the options that I would not use.

Anyone have any feedback from Fembed from last days? How is the speed streaming?

I think it's better, can anynone give more reviews?
It comes and goes. Streaming speed is not dependable. Download is a Russian roulette and from the looks of it even if conversion is done sometimes videos produce the 2240003 error and you need to wait and keep refreshing like a million times to get it to either work or get to the download prompt and maybe get it there.

Overall fembed is still recovering.
Over a year, maybe even 2 years, I don't remember but Fembed was closed for any new registration. For me as a webmaster Fembed is the best host right now, but you need to know - Fembed don't pay for views, they don't have an affiliate program. Infact if you want premium features you must pay to them. So, if you just want to upload video, share a link and then earn some money Fembed is not for you. Fembed is made for webmasters who want to have more videos on their websites without deletion of inactive videos. Also Fembed delete videos with DMCA complaint, so it's not dmca ignored. But when you receive DMCA complaint you have an abuse ticket and you can see who is the sender, company, email, etc.
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