Hello, my Name is Ricky Marison and I´m introduce you to Fastimg.org Beta.
Since we are very interested in that users with the page and the Service cope best we place great value on honesty and on the support.
We have Fastimg designed so that among other things we can offer the best profits to users, so we hope that on your honesty. Only in this way can work best together.
As a little extra, they have a manga or Hentai page and want all the images as "Album". Then write to us, we work in the future with a few pages together in this area and would like to also give these webmasters the opportunity to monetize.
Beta: If you have any feedback for the service, ideas or issues please contact me. We are in beta testing and even some out. Also, some features are still pending.
The key points of Fastimg
*You can earn to a maximum of 9 $ 1000 (in Group 1) (We think best offer from Image hosts)
*You can Upload all Images, also Hantai, Manga and others too. Also Adult, but please select "Not Family Safe *Upload" by Adult. (we notice an incorrect categorization we have to "pull" the images and also the so-earned money for the User)
*Uploaded as many pictures as you want, there is no limit, no Premium account or other restrictions. No deledet Images.
*No trickys. No Cheats.
*Very many Websites use and allow us for your Images. (You know sites where we are not yet being used? Then please but there is a recording of Fastimg.)
*Minimum Payout limit is 10$.
*We pay weekley, no cheats. Payout Day is Sunday, so you get the Money at the start in the Week
*Payouts are processed using Skrill (5% fee), BTC (5% fee), Amazon Coupons and Bank (min. $300) (You wish more Provider? Please write us here.
*You can Upload Images with max. 5 MB Size
*We expressly permitted Social Media Traffic from Facebook, Twitter, Vk.ru, Odnoklassniki, Reddit and others.
*We appreciate feedback - please contact us with any queries
*Spam Traffic, Autosurf programs traffic, bots, linkshortner traffic will never be paid and the User banned.
Our Affiliate Program:

Tiers are subject to change without notice!

Now go to Fastimg