Facebook vs. Google: Which Do Consumers Like More?

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Coming off a phenomenal year, Facebook is close to narrowing the gap with Google when it comes to public sentiment, but is not quite there yet, according to research from YouGov’s BrandIndex.

The company, which polls 5,000 people per day online, found that Facebook currently has a “Buzz Score” of 31.3 vs. 39 for Google
Those figures are based on averaging positive scores (+100) with negative ones (-100).

In other words, if you polled three people and two had a positive view of Google and the third didn’t, the buzz score would be calculated by dividing 200 by three to get a score of 66.7.

The final numbers only tell part of the story, though. Google started the year with a 45.1 Buzz Score, so 39 is down by 6.1 points. Facebook, meanwhile, only edged up slightly for all of 2010, but the brand’s Buzz Score see-sawed throughout the year.

Privacy concerns over the summer sent Facebook’s score into the single digits, while the opening of the movie The Social Network in October prompted another drop. Since then, though, Facebook’s Buzz Score has been steadily climbing.

“You are talking about more recognition than ever, booming business, talk of IPO, Time magazine cover, etc. that has helped them,” says Drew Kerr, a rep for BrandIndex.

Facebook is better for selling stuffs/ads. I myself bought stuffs seeing those ads in right sidebar of FB. Never did clicked any ads on Google tho. I guess FB ads > Google ads right now
Facebook is better for selling stuffs/ads. I myself bought stuffs seeing those ads in right sidebar of FB. Never did clicked any ads on Google tho. I guess FB ads > Google ads right now

I actually click google ads instead of FB ads as I feel those FB ads on the right are spam most of the time
If you don't know something you search it on GOOGLE .. Without facebook you can live without google you can't unless you want to go each 10 minutes to the library..
I hate the Fb adds i never clicked them even installed the Chrome extension to hide them, Google adds are usually rubbish stopped clicking them a while back. It's good to see that something is as good as Google has gotten but really how can you compare a social network to a search engine ?
I hate the Fb adds i never clicked them even installed the Chrome extension to hide them, Google adds are usually rubbish stopped clicking them a while back. It's good to see that something is as good as Google has gotten but really how can you compare a social network to a search engine ?

the 2 most popular sites to date so no matter what there will be comparisons and google is just not a search engine..
man this discussion again? or is it really a discussion. Look up that other thread, it says it all. Also here is something interesting

Google $163.2 billion (November 2010).
Facebook $35.0 billion (November 2010).

Enough said :)

Google was founded in 1998 and Facebook in 2004 , so the revenue difference is high.
but tbh , facebook will be out of scene is there's a new and phenomenal social networking site ..
but nothing can really replace the big G !
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