Facebook or Twitter. Which is more effective?

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More effective for what? Finding your local pimp, getting info on a cult or stalking that hot girl that wouldn't be seen dead talking to you in public?
Facebook is more effective than twitter. Facebook allows you to share illustrative pictures to share your mood and business.
I like Twitter a bit more then Facebook just because it seems that you can sort information faster and get messages out quicker. Now that Google+ has added Hashtags I think it also should be included in the mix of best social networks. Google+ seems like it might be turning into the best of both Twitter and Facebook combined. I also like the freedom and simplicity of Twitter where Facebook seems to restricted, cumbersome and regulated at times.
I find twitter hard to negotiate in terms of seeing a flow of conversation - comments on facebook are easy to follow and private messages/wall posts all flow as well
Facebook better for quality traffic

I find Facebook better for quality traffic - Twitter traffic seldom purchases anything (at least with me).
I think both are effective to generate traffic and leads. If efforts are made in the right direction, Facebook & Twitter can both equally be successful to generate traffic to your site. Apart from this, both sites provide paid advertising as an alternative to Google paid advertising and many of the websites benefited more than Google paid advertising.
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