FAB - Forum Activity Boost

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Mr Happy

Active Member


Adds posts randomly and naturally to make your site look more active. It's designed to be used in download areas. All members and posts are automatically generated and everything is very easy to use.

I only though of this two days ago so new features, suggestions, feedback are all welcome.


vBulletin 3 & 4 only at the moment but will add IPB and PHPBB once I get some feedback on this version.

If the new members appear as Guests you just need to go to
ACP -> Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Fix broken user profiles
And that will upgrade them to whatever custom member settings you have on your site.
don't know if this is good for google... as it will detect the posts as duplicates... the comments are always the same.
Na it's ok. Their's 100 different random replies and their mixed and shuffled in such a way Google can't detect. You can add loads more to the config easily too if you want.

Now I'm not great at maths so I'm not sure which (if either) of these is correct but either way the chance of duplicate content is to say the least small.

If you have 10 replies per page you can have:
9x8x7x6x5x4x3x2x1 = 3,628,800 possible results => fuck all duplication.

of as their is 100 maybe it's:
99x98x97x96x95x94x93x92x91x90 = 56,534,085,859,976,524,800 => a really big number :O
very nice script...just installed it..

but i have to run it each time manually? there is no such way that we can run it after every new thread is posted?
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