Miss normal login with username / ID and Passwort
There was an email/pass login you be shocked at the numbers of people who misstype their emails, usernames or passwords or worse not attempt to signup out of fear of wasting their time on form filling
In my A/B testing it has proven to be a better choice to switch to current simplified login method which leads to more users signing up (signing in), basically everyone on the internet has a google/facebook/microsoft account and hence can be a member with only 2 clicks and no typing!
The new site uses Social login from Google / Facebook / Microsoft (used by 99% of users)
And OpenID from Mozilla Persona (makers of firefox who are very serious like me about privacy) which you can use to login with any email address (even disposable ones for privacy....)
This ensures that:
* Users can become registered with minimum effort (and hence have a chance to easily upgrade earning affiliates money....) with no complicated form filling, verification email etc
* No need to worry about forgotten passwords and account recovery for users, no passwords to remember

* Users on tablets and phones can simply login with 1 or 2 clicks! The number of users on these devices grows year on year and its a pain in rear to type out usernames/passwords on small devices
* Security! the site has no need to store passwords, hence nothing for hackers to attempt to steal (a lot of people unfortunately use same passwords on different sites), it works by using Google/Facebook/Microsoft APIs where we send the user there for authorization and their servers reply with a "username@example.com is trusted and wants to login to your app"
From affiliate point of view:
* Downloader comes along to download your file
* Sees a big button allowing them to login quickly with a couple of clicks/taps and not waste time
* Once logged they are more likely to upgrade

and hence you have a higher chance of being paid
TL.DR: site is faster, easier and more secure to use