Extabit SCAMS ! Never use this filehost.

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Active Member
i'm very disappointed from extabit. Here are the main reasons:
1. No reply from their support to any email sent by you.
2. They don't even sent the money again if it fails to transfer due to some reasons.

I was using this filehost from a very long time, but lately they became biggest scammers and their support is worst as they don't reply to any of your mail. I too get scammed by them as they sent the money into my webmoney wallet but due to Keeper mini wallet restrictions, the transfer was not successful. And after that the status showed regular payment even i had not received any money. Regarding this i have sent emails to their support, but as usual no reply returned. Somehow i got the email of ALEX and sent him the email regarding this. Then i received this single reply with sent me ID of the failed payment which i sent,and after that no reply. Sent him email 4-5 times more but no response. As they don't even care about their affiliate partners now, which were their GODS when they had started their site.
What kind of cheap persons and scammers are they. Very disappointing, so bye bye you scammer and unprofessional extabit.

So i suggest not to use their filehost. If we uploaders and webmasters will stop using extabit and block them into our site (as WJUNCTION did), then they will learn their lesson.

Rest is your choice, use them and get scammed or leave them as you have time now.

Normally i don't speak against anyone but this was the limit.

I think one of extabit admin have seen this post. Yesterday i got my pending failed payment into my webmoney account. :dan:
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lol you are too late bro, most uploaders know that extabit is a shitty file hosting :rofl:

hope others who doesnt know that should stay away from them
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I still use them, sales are working really good, and they pay every friday.
yes they pay..but you'll know when you get single transfer failure into your webmoney wallet due to any error say keeper classic restrictions, then you have to say good bye to that amount... :wave: ...and then you'll send no of emails to them and you will not get any single reply.. :D
Yes, extabit becomes dizzcloud now , don't cares any partners any more.

Not for long
extabit will do the last big cheat . Run away with your money and disappear.

Better prepare to cry if you still using extabit.
Lool, Iwrot 1000 times, they pay every friday, i use them over a year, i can live without paypal payment coz they give me xxxxx $$.
Lool, Iwrot 1000 times, they pay every friday, i use them over a year, i can live without paypal payment coz they give me xxxxx $$.


They will stop dizzcloud because they cannot make a fool of anybody.
They are working to make new template and will open new host, I think extadizz.com
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Bloody cheater host..

we trust them and believe their words like 6 months delay and then we will pay after that they slowly move their azz from WJ then disappear at once ..

you can't hide and will never win the trust of uploaders unless you become honest and pay their hold payments..
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