Extabit discussion thread

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@ Aditi Ashu

Yes, more people have credit cards but that doesn't mean that people are "comfortable" with using those credit cards with file hosting websites. But do people trust file hosting sites with their card details? What if that site closes and uses their details for the wrong reasons? Heck ,if you ask me i wouldn't. If given the option of buying an account using my card directly, i'd prefer to find a reseller and use a reliable payment processor for this account. Even right now, whenever i use my debit card it is always via a payment processor like paypal, skrill etc and not directly.

Please ask the people who download your content and you'll realize the problem. Why do you think people like adultking are going so aggressively after these sites and their paypal accounts. Because paypal was the backbone of the entire file hosting industry. It was such an easy way to buy premium accounts. Right now, everyone is in a frenzy and no one knows what to do.

Like i said before, blaming extabit for something which they have already explained ages ago wont solve your sales problems. I'll say this again, there is no guarantee that you WILL get sales on a file host. Sales are not downloads.

fully agree...PPS and PPD are not same, CC is not comfortable than Paypapl. its clear the amount of good no of sales in netload is for paypal, which is gonna end I guess, cause these people coloring on NL's sale due to pp for helping those adultking and his followers.

from my experience sometimes I passed 15-20days without sales,bt after that got many sales...also sometimes used to get large amount of sales in a days. its all about fate and time and content depending. The person who bought a 1 year premium plan will not buy another account everyday .

I use extabit not much, but whenever I used I got good sales and rebills.

Yes some people making wrong statement
Most of them got payment this friday
only those who don't have min bal previous week, didn't get payment
Sales are going good, Rebills will get from september
Also they clearly said they didnt get paypal money yet bcoz paypal will give only after 180days

i do no why WJ admin and Mod's are so angry with extabit
extabit is far better than other filehost now
i always love extabit <3
and i will keep supporting them

i think many people dont know how extabit pays

ok for example today is friday so if you have more than 50$ in your balance then this amount will be locked and you will be paid on next friday after one week? got it? so dont act like they didnt pay me or those who are crying like kids stop it guys.. you should upload some rare contents and get sales rather than waste your time here in trolling each other.. get a life

and Mod Please!!!
I agree with Hakunamatata. I always receive payments from Extabit. Now they're going to best host. maybe they not pay frozen balance I think this will pay soon when they have money.

btw. I get a 1 year sale yesterday. Good work
I'm getting sales everyday, more sales than I could expect from the quality I share, and number of downloads. I'm almost making same amount of money that I used to with Oron.. back in the golden days. That is without rebills and the fact I havent updated with anything good in months. Have been paid promtly everytime, got paid yesterday too.

This shit with frozen payments have put me in alot of trouble but I can only blame myself relying on this kind of income. I think you guys are premature in your accusations. Extabit will scam you in the end and so will all other hosts but I don't believe this is the time.

One thing I agree on is the 27/7 payment, all of it came from new sales. I know the arguments but I dont like it. And I also think they should pay the frozen payments before they get the money from Paypal. All their focus should be on that. I dont believe they make 1 million and their bills are $999.999, if so it's understandalble they cant pay.
Pay everything you need to have the business running, all the rest should be paid to your affiliates.
i got 27$ as of thursday, is this valid for payout for next week? though i'm already an affiliate for a year and earned a lot but this is my very first time payout from there since the paypal issue.
Hey, this is what I gathered from another forum, since all extabit support is banned at that moment, or have other things to do.

Hi guys, kudla will be offline until sunday. So there is no extabit
representative left to answer right now. So they asked me to leave a
message to you all:

The "link change" script is many time explained, the new link
is automatically generated when you click on it from different IP, so
if someone report your link (and click on it), we'll know his IP. This
feature is here to protect you from abusers, not to cheat you.

If you don't believe, feel free to test it, buy a premium via any
version of your link, and we can assure you that the sale will 100%
credited. And you won't be banned for using your own payment details
and IP - so go on and test it.

And about payouts, they were done to all partners today who has 50$ or
more. And so many times it have been told, all older earnings
including the one from 27th July are frozen, but people are still
asking us to pay them.

And about sales, you can't expect to have sales as before when we had
Paypal, reasons are many - people don't want to enter their CC
details, problems with canceling subcriptions, etc. And if you think
we don't count sales - TEST IT before you say "scam"!

I hope you can unlock the official support thread now, as we don't
scam and there's no proof that we are scamming.
Hey, this is what I gathered from another forum, since all extabit support is banned at that moment, or have other things to do.

Hi guys, kudla will be offline until sunday. So there is no extabit
representative left to answer right now. So they asked me to leave a
message to you all:

The "link change" script is many time explained, the new link
is automatically generated when you click on it from different IP, so
if someone report your link (and click on it), we'll know his IP. This
feature is here to protect you from abusers, not to cheat you.

If you don't believe, feel free to test it, buy a premium via any
version of your link, and we can assure you that the sale will 100%
credited. And you won't be banned for using your own payment details
and IP - so go on and test it.

And about payouts, they were done to all partners today who has 50$ or
more. And so many times it have been told, all older earnings
including the one from 27th July are frozen, but people are still
asking us to pay them.

And about sales, you can't expect to have sales as before when we had
Paypal, reasons are many - people don't want to enter their CC
details, problems with canceling subcriptions, etc. And if you think
we don't count sales - TEST IT before you say "scam"!

I hope you can unlock the official support thread now, as we don't
scam and there's no proof that we are scamming.

Have anybody problems with sales via invitation link? 100% i had some sales, but they are not counted.

what about him and only in extabit links are change !! i am using netload lumfile rapidshare bitshare sharpfile.. non of links are changing then why extabit ?? and as i already ask when i share the links i got 3-4 downloads in 1 hour and after that still now no more downloads are counted . if downloads are not counting after chaning of link how u can say the sales will counted !!! X-(
@Santry whats your problem? that you did not receive the payment in your payza yesterday? yesterday's payment are from previous week earnings.

so your earnings this week will be paid next friday.
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