Extabit discussion thread - Do not create another one!

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Froomple, i have a proof with them that they don't paid my paiment 1.1 K from june i can show pic for that, but i am getting weekly paiment, so we need some investigation, they deleted the message of money when we talked about it here.

they fix servers when we talked about them here.
they do many things they watch this thread all time. you need to contact GFX, and others.

i can get proof of waiting amount bru.

Here is the proof for Paypal Frozen payments!!!
Waiting since 2012-06-15!!!
They promised to pay it within 180 days or sooner!!!
Now 225 days gone!!!
They didn't pay us!!!
Not giving support
Gfx is missing!!!
Scam or not??
If this is not a scam why they can't tell us what is going on??
Give us support!!!

Yes, for me this is the proof. :facepalm:

Thank you Computerbuddy ;)
I Think They Will Pay Frozen Money But Very Late. They Get Money From Paypal and Avangate but now they are paying their debt. Maybe we will get 2 or 3 months after.
This is a discussion thread so regardless of whether they paid or not its going to stay open.
Even filefactory had delayed payments and some have not been paid yet but the thread remains open for discussion and constructive comments.
Don't show your amount callado
Extabit will delete your account with money!!!
They are such a cheaters!!!
They deleted their affiliates accounts who were asking for money 3 years ago as well!!!
Here is the proof
They are still survive because new affiliates join and working with them for weekly payments!!!
Same thing happening in the present!!!
They scammed old affiliates money but still survive with the support of cashwhores like Machar and Extabiter!!!

Once a Scammer Always a Scammer!!!
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@ 1617,
I don't want my frozen money.
They didn't pay it as promised.
They are scammers, liars, cheaters
I just want to call a scam as a scam & inform other people about Extabit scam!!
That's all.....
I don't know about everyone. But I am sharing my own collection.
I never uploaded any movie, mp3, videos songs, software, games, e books, tutorials to my Extabit account. Just sharing 1 file which created by me!!!
Example: There are free HD wallpapers on the internet. I serach them through google. then collect 1000's of them. create 1 Rar file. make that file as Premium only. and share it. No copyrights!!!
Some users leeching it from me. I don't care. I believe Education should be Free for all. Don't put a copyright label on it and make a price. There are poor people in this world!!!
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mods angry to us because of saying same words again and again. But why they did not lock this topic to prevent this flaming
. And I'm sure lots of people stop using them when they see they do not get money. But we have to discuss other small companies
just baby born , today born , 2 weeks later they die with the money inside and reborn with new domain and new skin. These are
more dangerous than extabit.
Here is the problem with Leaseweb:

There are ONLY 3 situations which can happen:

1. Leaseweb DOES NOT co-operate with Extabit anymore, so they will shutdown Extabit server <--- If this happen we should see that We can't load extabit on our browser.But we still see Extabit is running <--- so this situation can't be happen

2.Leaseweb still and will co-operate with Extabit <--- if this situation happen, Extabit MUST paid Avangate frozen payment as they promise

3. Leaseweb will continue working with Extabit until their contract expired and then Leaseweb will kick Extabit out <--- if this situation happen, Extabit will need to order a new server.But pay the new bill of other companies is THE SAME as pay the new bill of Leaseweb so there is no reason that Extabit will need to use their affiliates frozen money to pay

And the story

Extabit : Hey Leaseweb, we are still negotiating our contract right?
Leaseweb : Right
Extabit : But our site still running on your server right?
Leaseweb : That's right
Extabit : So We will negotiate forever right?
Leaseweb : Of course we are
Extabit : Okay
Leaseweb : Cheers!
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