Extabit discussion thread - Do not create another one!

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they want to reduce the cost to maintain their server...they don't have money to pay it...that why after 15 days, inactive will be removed.. very bad..
Its time to destroy them .Upload daily 30~40 gb to their server .But I only share 3~4 Gb .They want to minimization their cost . Let us try to maximize their cost by uploading huge file to their server.
If they pay their affiliates frozen money, they don't face the current situation!!!
Extabit owners are fools to destroy their Trusted Filehost for just few weeks frozen money!!!
They choose the scam path and now they see the results!!!
The Affiliate Power - We Rule Filehosts
If they pay their affiliates frozen money, they don't face the current situation!!!
Extabit owners are fools to destroy their Trusted Filehost for just few weeks frozen money!!!
They choose the scam path and now they see the results!!!
The Affiliate Power - We Rule Filehosts

lol this 17yr old kid is having a false notion that extabit will crumble without affiliates like him
many affiliates are still working with them and it does not matter at all when dumb kids like you stop uploading
even though they have not been able to fulfill their promises many affiliates still continue to upload because of on time weekly payments
^ Same scenario would happen again with frozen payments if/when the current processor refuses to cooperate with Extabit after shit happen to them again. Then you would have 3 different frozen payments from 3 different payment processors.

Extabit won't crumble obviously but you must be a fool to let them freeze your money twice or even more in the future and more so by letting them feed you false information/excuses all the time with no solid support when there are tons of worthy competitors out there. Why should we support them when we are not giving any support whatsover as a premium user or an affiliate?
Its time to destroy them .Upload daily 30~40 gb to their server .But I only share 3~4 Gb .They want to minimization their cost . Let us try to maximize their cost by uploading huge file to their server.

if upload you will get nothing...if download you will get sumthing. both will maximize their cost, and i choose to download with free premium account (using ccokiesss..)
Nice to see 2 years sale today from USA.
After adding Master card seems Extabit back like avangate days.
Till 2 date i covered all my XXXX$ Frozen amount in these 50 days period. . .

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Guys, there is no point to remain silent anymore knowing that Extabit is not gonna pay our frozen money! Waiting six months just in vain. It's time for us to join force to end the time of this scam host:

1. Stop uploading to Extabit.
2. Delete all your files so they can't make a dime from them.
3. Spread the word that Extabit is a scam host.
4. Ban Extabit if you own a site.

Their future is no longer in our hands, let them RIP.
I had used my account to extend my account 2-3 days ago before they freeze it and my brother did not listen to me
and he has 300$ or something inside and wait.
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