Extabit.com File Hosting

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@ Forrape
When paypal era, most of the money used to generate from rebills. That's why some hosts offered 13$ per sale without rebills option like filesonic.
But things changed after paypal drop. Now a days no filehost can offer 13$ per sale even 10$ also.

Well, extabit should increase the initial sale to 70% and cancel the rebills because rebills are not working for majority of partners here.
50% sales+ 20% refferals + 5% Sites. Lot of partners in refferal chain. 20% refferals + 20% his refferal+20% his refferal.

so, now tell me how much extabit paying per sale.

as they told, credit card processors takes high commission, big hold ups & charge backs. Maintaining Filehost is not an easy task. That's why lot of newbies comes & goes.

First we should thank to Extabit because they are here and giving opportunity to earn.
Why are you cry every day?? Extabit have much more sales than other filehosts. with that 50% that they give I'm paying my university and live really good, don't need to spent single penny of my offline job. And for the end: "Work smart, not hard" :)
Who in the world is this new "1617" rebills suck! Read some of the thread. There is a checkbox on the avangate homepge where the buyer has to approve the rebill. Also extabit is making money, are you insane? You think they're running this service out of the goodness of their heart? Gimme a freakin break. I think extabit is a great host, but could you possibly brown nose them anymore?
hello need to ask 1 thing

there is option Purchase premium for , from account balance ($9.00)

if i use this will it create a new voucher and i use voucher on anyother acc


it extends my same acc for 30 days ?
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