Extabit.com File Hosting

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sorry to all.i changed payment from payza to wmz too.
what i must write in Wallet (WMZ)? wmid number or my email?
why some people here wrote about "z" to put in? where.

sorry but im confused im not russian and i have troubles whit english too.

anyone help me?

thank you
Hello Gfx

(09/12/28) - $ 103.29
9/28/12 paid $ 24.60
5/10/12 paid $ 78.69
24.60 + 78.69 = 103.29
but ...
Frozen balance was ~ $ 32, now $ 6.44
Why? what does happen with a frozen funds? :facepalm:
Hello Gfx

(09/12/28) - $ 103.29
9/28/12 paid $ 24.60
5/10/12 paid $ 78.69
24.60 + 78.69 = 103.29
but ...
Frozen balance was ~ $ 32, now $ 6.44
Why? what does happen with a frozen funds? :facepalm:

hi, guys
if you have any problem, plz PM me directly with your ID. just posting here won't help you.
Guys, please don't repeat same comments and questions again and again and again....

As every hosting company, Extabit have issues from time to time, you need to understand and give some time to Gfx to respond to all private messages, i guess his inbox is flooded everyday LOL

It is boring reading pages and pages of same text, other members can miss some important informations.

Gfx, you can help in reducing comments in this thread if you reply to members after reading PM, tell them that you have read message and that you will check about issue or something like that.
All of this comments makes bad picture about Extabit and i am sure it is not what you want.


I am having issue with FTP upload, it work fine with good upload speed, but files disappearing from filemanager after about one minute.
Does anyone beside me having this issue?
Gfx, if files are kept on servers, this issue will eat all of free space on hard drives!
Edit: It works, sorry! :)
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Thanks extabit, payment received through payza.

& please don't remove payza as payout option, paypal is not available, at least keep payza then uploaders can buy domain, hosting, rdp, rl and other tools.
My stats also good.
Edit: 2 Rebils & 7 sales today

Extabit rocks. Thanks Gfx. You are one of the best supporter member.
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