Extabit.com File Hosting

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INFO about rebills:

Avengate is the only one supports rebills at present. ccpt appoved rebills. will start in sept. but they replacing ccpt with avangate

Ikoruna doen't support rebills. so, they will use email-remainders with paylink(partner id included).

Let's see how these remainders works:

if you buy via ikoruna premium
you will receive email from extabit after 30 days
"hello, do you want extend premium? click here ..." ?
so, if user buy through that link, it counts like a new sale.
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@ mazzo:

Frozen balance is the money from paypal. This amount will recieve after paypal releases payment.

S. PPS only at present.

I think so, but have some limitations. check it here:https://helpdesk.payza.com/index.ph...saction-limits-for-a-personal-starter-account

free users can download upto 2gb, for upload there is no limit in file fize but http: protocol max size upto 8GB, there is no storage limit but inactive files deletes after 20days. 60 kbps is the download speed.

non-blank referrers example
you add google.com as your site
and they receive traffic with referer google.com
it is OK
but if they receive traffic with empty refefer...
they are not able determine site

Give information:

1) in a month will be unfrozen money PayPal.
We'll get the money purely petty handouts or will be immediately repaid debts?

2) Please list the specific and clear:

ikoruna - no rebills!
ccpt - yes 100% of rebills
avangate - yes rebills!
and ...

if you do not make it more difficult and give the answer to 1)

Thank you!
today The minimal payout is $50. it so high ???

I think 50$ is a fair minimum payment threshold.


Give information:

1) in a month will be unfrozen money PayPal.
We'll get the money purely petty handouts or will be immediately repaid debts?

2) Please list the specific and clear:

ikoruna - no rebills!
ccpt - yes 100% of rebills
avangate - yes rebills!
and ...

if you do not make it more difficult and give the answer to 1)

Thank you!

1. Their account was frozen in June for 180 days. That means they'll get their money sometime in December 2012. We can expect them to pay our frozen balances in December 2012 or January 2013

2. Rebills only work on avangate at the moment. I-Koruna does not have a rebill feature and VISA hasn't approved extabit for rebills.

no sales and no earning

Thanks for sharing ;)
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INFO about rebills:

Avengate is the only one supports rebills at present. ccpt appoved rebills. will start in sept. but they replacing ccpt with avangate

Ccpt is Visa and Gfx said that ccpt approved rebills.
And ccpt (Credit Card#3) are not replaced by avengate, both option are available.
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