Extabit.com File Hosting

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this was my idea :P

admin was planning to limit it to 7Gb for 5-7 days, you're lucky to have me.

are you kidding

7GB for 5/7 day lol

these days a single Game ISO file size is 7 to 9 Gb ... Admin should not take unnecessary steps which limit users or throttle freedom ..

I think 75GB will be good enough for uploaders too .. Think about it .. waiting for your response.
limit is good, if I upload 200 gb per day and share and another leecher come and leech my
uploads. Its not acceptable. but if you share mp3 or dvdrip , 50 gb is very small
and it may be limited to 20 gb per day. Turbobit using 25 gb per day for months
and 300 gb per month.
we are not asking 100 of gbs ...

make it atleast 75 GB...

Those who agree should raise their voice ...

and another problem is stats ... its been like this from night

because odf limitations we can lose rebills and premium user may move to other host which they didn't have limitations
sales also will drops because of these limitions beacuse now many of the hosts keeping limitations many of them waiting for the hosts which they offers with out limit.
to move other hosts, to where ? is there any stable host around you can see????
turbobit ??? has 25 gb per day,
ul.to has daily limit can be accumulated to 100 gb in 5 days.
letitbit and shareflare are always selling Quota their premium accounts sucks
....etc ?
depositfiles + freakshare + filefactory +filepost has all DAILY download limit are lower than extabit's
I watch portals and forums mostly have those hosts except adult places
they have oron+ filepost + depositfiles + freakshare

and new small oneday here and otherday not hosts left for sharing ?
to move other hosts, to where ? is there any stable host around you can see????
turbobit ??? has 25 gb per day,
ul.to has daily limit can be accumulated to 100 gb in 5 days.
letitbit and shareflare are always selling Quota their premium accounts sucks
....etc ?
depositfiles + freakshare + filefactory +filepost has all DAILY download limit are lower than extabit's
I watch portals and forums mostly have those hosts except adult places
they have oron+ filepost + depositfiles + freakshare

and new small oneday here and otherday not hosts left for sharing ?

Get your facts right before you start preaching them to othes.

Turbobit claims a 25GB limit, but their limit is far greater
Ul.to has a 50GB/day and accumulates to 800GB
Filefactory has no limit
Freakshare has 50GB which is not lower than extabit
Lifetalk, as I see they updated their daily limits
since I left using them. Cause they were at limits I talked while I was using them.

+ turbobit's temperature calculator is really abusive for the uploader has huge archive.

ul.to still could not solve paypal problem (I checked it now)
using credit card is extremely risk for me.(

filefactory has an unknown limit against mirrors. my account has banned
"you are using mirrors". I never use them again cause lots of places wants
at least one mirror. Even if they disabled this rule or not. It was really bad experience for me.
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