Extabit.com File Hosting

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no ....The minimal payout is 15$.

When I register the minimum payout was 20 (I see it in the payout page).

Now I will try if Extabit is paying, to use or discard this host, and... I have to wait more days to have $50 :facepalm:

But is ok, if I continue seeing payments proofs I will continue uploading to extabit...
@Wolfaustral yes it is $50 for first and 15 thereafter - they have missed one week of payments and made up for it week later - it seems they will pay a weak in arrears from now on. But yes they are paying
@Jennifer Gallagher - why is u1. and u2 the only upload servers we can access - before the upload ban there were like 10 different servers - what happened to u.14, u.20, u.9/10/11/8/7/12/13??????

And u.1 doesn't work and u.2 is at best 200-300kb/s
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