Extabit.com File Hosting

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sales are not lost. Aggregation stats are behind real time stats due to server relocation.

Is this also why the Upload speeds are shockingly slow, not sure how upload speeds have become so slow in the last 3 days if no new affiliates have joined. Can't you stop uploading for non affiliates or non premiers.
Hello guys!

Here is a short tutorial,how to HUMILATE yourself!

^^ Exactly man they are scammers please extabit if u cant pay then shut down ur business assholes


same cursing,but he edited the posts later hoping he will get paid:D

Jennifer Gallagher Please Check My PM


i was not online then how i can reply, my paymnt method is already saved in extabit then why you asked my login. u said that your chance your chance .. why ??? and u banned my account ???? . i am requesting to reopen my account... this is not Professional Way of your work.... which you did....


amerriaz, read your previous posts. and think a little.
extabit is closed for you.

The empire strikes back :))

Jennifer Gallagher check my pm please

Jennifer Gallagher , Please Reply To My Pm


Good Bye Extabit Hope You Live Long And Pay All The Users At Time ...
At Least Pay My Pending Payout Of 126$ So i Can Pay My Hosting And RDP Dues

Mega lol,miserable last try to get his money:D

ps:you made 126$ under two months?:D Big timer!

Why You are wasting your time on extabit??
They are not paying you on time.
Site is not working properly.
rate is 20 if your account making sales for them.
otherwise your rate is below even 3.50$.
they can stop your sale or hide your sales and keep paying you wrost rate.
there uploading speed is wrost and wasting of time.
FTP is not working properly.
sometime issue with alertpay sometime time issue with paypal.
every friday you are crying for your money.you begging your money your reward for your hardwork from extabit every friday.
they are not professional . they banned my account just because that i wrote that they are Scamers .why because they did't pay me even a single penny i have been working on extabit for the last few months but they did't think about that.
They are not Professionals. its better that you can use those file sharing companies which are not paying like rapid share or media fire at least you will get traffic or you can improve your site ranking.
i am missing you file sonic file serve w upload.
Now Its upto you...

EveryOne is

And he starts again:D

I think you can not be more pathetic....,but lets wait:D
Iam having such a good time watching your misery..keep up good work ameriAZZ
sales count and balance updated.

BTW, ameriAZZ already banned at extabit for unacceptable behavior. with such posts ameriazz shows us that he does not agree with extabit's decision.


I've checked,you've changed your payout method from WM to Bank Wire.The Bank Wire payout will be provided this week.

Of course I've changed my payout to bank wire because I have not received my first WMZ payout. Will my bank wire payout include the WMZ payment that has not been received? Why is my account still showing WMZ payment made when there has been no WMZ payment made to my WMZ account?

ID: mikej612@yahoo.com
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