Extabit.com File Hosting

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Thanks for payment and i apologize that i did not believe in Extabit, but same like Dawine i stop uploading on extabit (sale still not counting).
Lol i have no money, why my account got premium?


ty anyway!
my $13.32 just went to -0.00 and no new payment has gone or pending, I am guessing this is due to the change over in the count because of the new day right???
I've just registered and by the looks of it, they aren't accepting new "affiliates" since in their Partner page there aren't any "Banner" that can be clicked or links to apply or register to be a partner.
Anyone else's balance disappear without a payment going out and I mean one that isn't even pending. Also where do you raise a ticket on the website for the life of me can't find it anywhere.
Did anyone knows, on website Extabit.com in partner menu, I has added my site, but in column status there said - Not confirmed. How can I confirm that it is my site? Thanks.
Thanks @khazmash. I added meta tag and specific file. Both. But in column status still said Not confirmed. Did I have to make any confirmation, and where or...?
If i remember once you put the file on your site. Click on your site name on the my sites page and a small pop up should come saying not confirmed. Then click on validate/confirm (whatever it says) that should do it. If not just send them a ticket regarding the issue.
I have no validate/confirm. That is the problem. But I will wait. On the page said: Currently we aggregating statistics, reports may be displayed incorrectly. Remaining 30 minutes

than I will see, maybe everything will work fine.

Thanks again @khazmash
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