Extabit.com File Hosting

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By replying bye or insulting like a kids Its not a gud move.
If u guys dont like this file host then you can stay away from this thread and website

By giving again and again useless replies Its not making any sense.

They already mentioned that we are adding servers so it clearly mean it will take few more days :)


Champ is right :)
Just wait and watch. Give them some time. It will be the next FSO and one more thing I'd like to tell you that exabit has given me more earning than FSO in just 3 days and even it has half of fso sale program but still Extabit FTW :)

Just wait for the right time ;)

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Added after 13 minutes:

F**k. I can't see my file in FTP upload long time. Are you kidding me??
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