Extabit.com File Hosting

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will then how does ul.to live all that long :D anyway USA sales are important PART but if we have to lose it then we have to just wait and see what payment processor will be added
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yea cypherz im sure they are tring to work on this. Right now this sucks. But you guys have to remember on thing. This is one of the biggest filehosts right now. They are hurting just as much as you because of the lost sales. they will get this fixed this week or they will die. I dont think they will die..

Added after 1 50 minutes:

and gay is good.. lol your never going to get a real answer from suport here. so keep being stupid..lol
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Spice Boy
Log in to your account and Read and Read and Read
Referral commission decreased from 20% to 5%.
Payouts are in one week delay. Every friday payment will be locked if u reach min. 50$, and get paid following friday.
used to be i-koruna were selling many sale Now again i-koruna and no sales how can that be do not understand :facepalm: something is wrong here
This week payouts (2012-11-02) will be delayed due to Avangate holdings. We will pay asap when they release holdings. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Update: waiting time mostly 45 days.
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Hold your time? :facepalm:

it is money that you are prepared to break the partnership with Avangate
We waited a week be kind enough to pay!

Learn from rapidgator
never problems do not prevent them from doing payment!
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who see the sense in further work with Extabit? :facepalm:

I have read the terms Avangate there is no point of freezing accounts
you got the money at the end of the month why do not you want to pay? :facepalm:
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Two questions from a noob:
- No referer downloads, where do you think they come from mostly? Bookmarks?
- Is it impossible to move already uploaded files into folders or am I completely blind?

Answers would be appriciated. Thank you.
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