7 days 1 sale
if u hard gettin sales that means EB sales also decresed! why u pushing them so hard like that? u should support them man..i don't know what all u guys thinking for bitching increase this and that look by the situation man..if u don't like the rate then go found other host,,there i a lot that give u higher rate from EB.Min payout should be lowered to 15$ just like before, referral commission should be roll back to 20%, very hard to sell
if you earned 15$ they also earned 15$ , if they pay 15$ do you think extabit will suffer? its just that you will reicieved your money in very short time
if u hard gettin sales that means EB sales also decresed! why u pushing them so hard like that? u should support them man..i don't know what all u guys thinking for bitching increase this and that look by the situation man..if u don't like the rate then go found other host,,there i a lot that give u higher rate from EB.
simple man..they have to paid server cost to..how many TB u stored ur files on EB?u uploader only need cost for VPS and RDP how much it cost?man u think making filehost bussiness are gettin a lot of money?Min payout should be lowered to 15$ just like before, referral commission should be roll back to 20%, very hard to sell
if your not talking about minimum payout why keep on replying about my comment. my post is about lowering min payout. lol