Extabit.com File Hosting

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Dear Partners!
We have to inform you that today we had a serious issue with our regular WM payments.
We want to assure you, that issue was discovered and is already fixed.
As a consequence, many of you may have received an incorrect, partial or bigger WM payment, or even not received any transfer at all.

For partners that recieved bigger amount than expected and were on the list for payment for 21.09.12, the amount is counted as a credit for future payments. For partners that received less or no payment for 21.09.12, we will do an unscheduled transfer on 02.10.12 for the full amount lacking. As we keep an accurate record of the transactions, we are fully aware of the missing amounts, though please feel free to double-check with us.

For partners that were not included in the payment list for 21.09.12, we will count it towards the blocked debt amount on PP.
However if you belong to neither of above mentioned categories, and received any unexpected WM transfers, then we strongly encourage you to return the payment. Otherwise we’ll have to use legal procedure to withdraw them, according to applicable law.

Regardless, we strongly apologize for the inconvenience caused.
Yours, …
so for us who did not receive any payments in our webmoney today it will be transferred on 02.10.12?

For partners that were not included in the payment list for 21.09.12, we will count it towards the blocked debt amount on PP.
for those who are not included in payment list for 21.09.12 they will get paid after paypal unfreeze your account?

then how we are able to know if we are included or not in the payment list for 21.09.12?
Extabit such deer that still the world didn't see such deer. They transferred money even to those people who never worked with them, and simply specified number of the purse. Also that the most important that nobody will return them to them money.

As always, to compensate the financial losses of Extabit will start to steal our sales. Look. This weeks will be least sales. For rebills forget in general.

Extabit silly donkeys. Partners will pay for nonsense of Extabit a little

It is possible to take vacation and not to work. Sales won't be considered now properly.

Our sales will go now on account of repayment of financial nonsense of Extabit.
Plz don't link up this issue with sales.
We are not that type of cheap guys. We running this host in a professional way. We never ever cheat sales. That's our guarantee. You can check our sales count at any time through buying premium using your files.
Plz don't link up this issue with sales.
We are not that type of cheap guys. We running this host in a professional way. We never ever cheat sales. That's our guarantee. You can check our sales count at any time through buying premium using your files.

Well, we will look.

If you don't change it quickly,Psuzy and other big boards will ban extabit soon...
And then extabit loose a lot of $$.
Extabit such deer that still the world didn't see such deer. They transferred money even to those people who never worked with them, and simply specified number of the purse. Also that the most important that nobody will return them to them money.

As always, to compensate the financial losses of Extabit will start to steal our sales. Look. This weeks will be least sales. For rebills forget in general.

Extabit silly donkeys. Partners will pay for nonsense of Extabit a little

It is possible to take vacation and not to work. Sales won't be considered now properly.

Our sales will go now on account of repayment of financial nonsense of Extabit.

Well just got 1 year sale. So i think you should control your words. You have the option to judge your sales by purchasing premium yourself. Don't be a jerk every time and don't put your leg in their "Arse's"!, Gotcha?

Simply! If you don't like it, leave it. ;)
I do not get paid.
From the web extabit
I have a problem.
My money will be on 02/10/2012.
My understanding is correct or not.
Thank you.
I still believe extabit 100%
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