Active Member
anyone getting trouble through ftp? I am getting only 1 connection simultaneously 
Payouts are in one week delay. you will get paid coming Friday.WAITING PAYOUT STILL COME ON IT'S WebMoney?
a warning about a bug in AVANGATE system here, if you try to extend your account inside avangate and username is not same as extabit's username, when you click RENEW NOW button, avangate open a new account instead of extend your account. DO NOT RENEW YOUR ACCOUNT insite AVANGATE using RENEW NOW if your avangate username is not same as extabit username. I lost my 12.99$ because of this bug of avangate. I informed extabit and no reply yet. I hope they fix this bug asap. This is really abusive, I have one account now for 1 month without affiliation. A bullshit bug of avangate. May be a cause of why rebills are so low, cause people can buy a new account instead of rebill and you do not get any peny from this new accounts.
I am not getting rebills
no sale from exta now