Extabit.com File Hosting

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mmm that's what we talk about it pro filehosting thnkx extabit i wich i will get 2 years sale hhh.

and plz increase sales % for affiliates and disable rebills
balak logged in with the denis account which means balak's ban gets extended and the denis account gets banned.

Let's see if they are dumb enough to use Jennifer's account to log in.
Should we treat them differently then we treat you when you make the same violations?

Should we hold them to different rules and actions then the rest of the members?

Would you prefer to take their place in the ban box?
They are trying to help us, and you are closing their account. Brillant idea. You could have been more TOLERANT. (I was warned by WDF, I think he offensed to my words. I meant tolerant by writing wiser, sorry for that)
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Should we treat them differently then we treat you when you make the same violations?

Should we hold them to different rules and actions then the rest of the members?
No, you should not. But before banning the support members of the most popular thread at WJ in recent time, you could consider an infraction/warning, you had lots of options. And off course you are the staffs here and your decisions are final.
best choice lock this thread for 1 month, if there is no help, this thread is useless (just my idea)

see bro i also requested for the same thing today 5-6 page there. Now both of them are banned. who is gonna give us a support?

Just my two cent. Please contact them on their official site and i am sure that you guys will get a response. :)
Not that we discuss these things with all the comments I will advise you that balak had reached the infraction points required for a ban. Upon further review balak was found to have had 2 dupes plus the balak account. Then balak chose to log in using another account, denis's, to log in and post here today. There is a 2 page thread in which the staff has been in discussion with balak and balak knew full well that logging in with another account would result in more punishment.

I know you all think we just go around banning members for any reason we can think up but that is not the case. balak had received several warnings and infractions and still chose to break our site rules.

This is the person you are defending and assuming we just banned because we felt like it.

I will probably get in trouble for saying this but if any of you had broken as many rules as balak you would have been permanently banned weeks ago.
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