help me! Now i can not Download with ExtabitExtabit message:
We didn't receive notification about rebills from PayPal.
Investigation still in progress.
Could you look at the premier speeds even with my premium account on my rapidleech I am getting 60 kbp/s where as with rapidshare i am getting 20mbps.
also thanks for payment - 1 sale and 1 rebill today although its all i got in the last week normally 7sales and 7rebills per week any problems going on?
you probably reached the payout limit yesterday, so it was formed yesterday and will be paid next friday
Could you look at the premier speeds even with my premium account on my rapidleech I am getting 60 kbp/s where as with rapidshare i am getting 20mbps.
also thanks for payment - 1 sale and 1 rebill today although its all i got in the last week normally 7sales and 7rebills per week any problems going on?
New rule of Extabit
If you Consumed 50GB then Download speed will be capped to 60kbps and it will be reset next day